Dydd Miwsig Cymru

Ar gyfer dathlu Dydd Miwsig Cymru gwnaethom drefnu digon o ddigwyddiadau ar gyfer y disgyblion yn ogystal ag annog yr athrawon i chwarae cerddoriaeth Cymraeg yn eu dosbarthiadau - braf oedd clywed cerddoriaeth Cymraeg o bob math o gwmpas yr ysgol! Ar gyfer hybu'r digwyddiad fel ysgol gwnaethom uno'r pedwar Ysgol ar gyfer creu fideo i'r gân Neidia gan y band Gwilym.

Hefyd gwnaethom drefnu disgos unigol ar gyfer blynyddoedd 5, 6 a 7 ar ddiwedd yr wythnos. Roedd pawb wedi mwynhau dawnsio a chwarae gemau. Diolch arbennig i Gareth Thomson oedd wrth y llyw gyda’r gerddoriaeth a’r goleuo creadigol.

The purpose of Dydd Miwsig Cymru is to celebrate the variety of music that has been composed in Welsh and in Wales. It is an annual event and this year it landed on the 4th of February. To celebrate it at Garth Olwg we arranged plenty of events for the pupils and we encouraged the staff to play Welsh music in their classes – it was great to hear Welsh music around the school.

To promote the event the 3-19 pupils joined forces to create a video to the song Neidia by the band Gwilym. It was fun to create the video – you can watch the video here.

We also arranged a disco for year 5, 6 and 7 at the end of the week. Everyone enjoyed dancing and playing games. Thank you to Gareth Thompson for Djing. There was also a competition for the pupils and congratulations to Grace Flynn, Year 7 for winning. It was a brilliant day and a chance to show the pupils how good Welsh music is!