🔗 Information  

School Uniform (from September 2023)

Following a stakeholder ballot, school council meetings, Pupil’s voice forums and previous parental and pupil questionnaires (Summer 2022) we have decided to change our school uniform for all pupils in Year 7 commencing September 2023.

Year 7 learners that start in Sepember 2024 will only be permitted to wear the new school uniform (see below).

These changes will be for Year 7 learners starting in September 2023 and 2024. Students from years 9 - 11 may also purchase the new uniform if they wish to.

We have taken the decision to implement these changes in accordance with the Welsh Government policies on school uniform and appearance. Please see the following link for more information: https://www.gov.wales/school-uniform-and-appearance-policy-guidance-governing-bodies-html. The new uniform will be cheaper to buy and will be unisex.


You may purchase the new uniform from two local suppliers, Picton Sports and Toppers and also High Street shops/Supermarkets in town. Please note all school jumpers require a school badge. Both Picton Sports and Toppers provide embroidery service at a reasonable cost if you wish to purchase the jumper in any high street shop/supermarket.

Sports Kit





Leisure Shorts


Red Socks

Where to Buy?

Not Permitted

It is not permitted for students to wear:


Remember to label each item of clothing for your child. There are numerous instances of students losing items of school uniform/clothing, especially coats, which can be expensive to replace. Without a clear name inside, it's difficult to ensure that the item is returned to its correct owner. 

🔗 Information