
Thank you for showing an interest in Ysgol Y Strade. You have shown support for Welsh-medium education since your child's early years and are therefore accustomed to the warm, welcoming ethos of the Welsh school. Ysgol Y Strade provides a safe, stimulating and caring environment where each individual is given the support and encouragement to grow and develop both socially and academically. 

Forging a genuine partnership between home and school is key to the academic development of your child. Together, we can ensure that your child receives the best possible education at Ysgol Y Strade, which will provide them with a first class start in life.


Message from the Headteacher - Mr Geoff Evans

I am delighted to be able to extend a very warm welcome to you here at Ysgol Y Strade.

Ysgol Y Strade is a very special place with a long tradition of high standards in all areas and a position that is right at the heart of the local community. We are hugely proud of our learners who develop as confident young people who are ready to make a positive contribution to society.  

‘Nid da lle gellir gwell’ is not only the school motto, it is a way of life at Ysgol Y Strade, as we work together to ensure that all of our learners flourish. This is our vision for every child, whatever their starting point, interests or talents. We believe in every young person’s potential to succeed and put all our energy into ensuring they do so in a caring and structured environment where the Welsh language is the foundation of our existence. Our commitment to securing excellence is built upon high quality teaching and a strong emphasis on wellbeing, care and support. Learners at Ysgol Y Strade experience an abundance of extra-curricular opportunities that span the arts, music, drama and sport. The young people who attend Ysgol Y Strade are immensely proud of their school and we are immensely proud of all they achieve. 

Success at any school is built on establishing multiple partnerships and paramount amongst these is the partnership between the school and its learners. We strive to make sure that our learners are supported at every turn and that they feel safe and secure within the school environment. In return we ask that they take an active role in their education and take responsibility for it.

We are proud of the friendly, warm and welcoming environment that exists at our school. As the only Welsh medium secondary school in Llanelli as well as the only school with a Sixth Form, we strive to ensure that a learner’s journey with us, be that for five years or seven, allows our young people to head out into the world confident and ready to contribute something new to it.

I trust you find this website useful and you get a feel for the character and values we share. 


Mr. Geoff Evans


A Message to Year 6 Learners from the Head of Year 7 - Ms Catrin Hughes

Helo mawr i ddisgyblion Blwyddyn 6!

Miss Catrin Hughes ydw i a fi yw Pennaeth Blwyddyn 7. Gobeithio eich bod chi'n iawn!  Edrychaf ymlaen i'ch croesawu i Ysgol y Strade cyn bo hir. 

Dwi'n siwr bod gennych deimladau cymysg am ddod yma- rhai yn nerfus, eraill yn gyffrous, a rhai yn ansicr efallai? Peidiwch â phoeni dim! Mae'r teimladau hyn yn hollol gyffredin gan ddisgyblion o Flwyddyn 6 ac ar ddechrau cyfnod Blwyddyn 7. Rydym yma i'ch helpu. Dewch i gael sgwrs unrhywbryd gyda fi, ac fe wnaf fy ngorau i ddatrys unrhyw broblem. Mae drws A16 bob amser ar agor led y pen. 

Mae hwn yn gyfnod cyffrous, ac yn ddechrau newydd i chi. Manteisiwch ar bob cyfle posib yn yr ysgol, y clybiau, y teithiau a'r gweithgareddau all-gyrsiol, a buan y gwelwch bod y Strade yn ysgol hapus a chyfeillgar, ac rydym yn un teulu mawr yma. 


Pob hwyl i chi am nawr. Wela'i chi'n fuan! 

Ms. Catrin Hughes

Pennaeth Bl 7.