Case Study: Gowerton School
Stage 6 - Sustaining momentum

Do, Review and Improve Cycle

As with the curriculum, the DCF is a continuum and needs to be monitored on a regular basis. Therefore, every year we update the following documents as it gives myself and other stakeholders a clearer picture of what is happening in school and how we are developing;

Here is an example of questions I have asked pupils in the past to get their viewpoints: 

Continued Stakeholder Engagement

NGP Cluster

Continuing to work with my NGP cluster colleagues and meeting once a half term. As the leader of the group I send out a list of dates for the year to the leads and the Headteachers so that they can have plenty of time to plan accordingly for cover. We continue to complete, review and develop the following each year: 

Skills Team

Development of the skills team has proved essential and has worked so well in improving our authority across the school in terms of importance in the curriculum. We have had a PPA session dedicated where we can all meet up once a fortnight to plan and we continue to:


It is also important to stay in contact with Parents/Carers about online safety and digital wellbeing. In the past we have held parents evenings in the hall on all 3 skills, where I explain the importance of online safety. This year,  we  asked the parents/carers to complete an online questionnaire about online safety and their children. We have realised that whilst we cover a lot of this in school and also put information on our website that parents/carers were not sure what their child knew about online safety or what we as school were teaching them. This is so important as we can often protect learners in school but often communities need support from schools to assist with this at home. This therefore has now been added to my action plan for next year in order to increase parents awareness and hopefully improve the safety of our learners. 


We have an allocated online safety Governor who works closely with myself on school policies and any online safety related issues. In future I will be delivering yearly updates to him about the development of the DCF across the school along with other Governors. We feel this is really important to ensure that stakeholders who has an investment in the school are aware of how the curriculum is being taught and developed for the sake of the learners futures.

CPD opportunities for staff

Throughout the year I will often send out any CPD or training opportunities to staff as and when I receive them, this may benefit a staff's training needs.

Any new employees will also have a session with the skills team on the school expectations, where to find resources and how to contact us for support.

Support and Celebrate

None of this can be done in the school effectively without the following: