Read, Write Inc.

Read, Write Inc (RWI) is a complete literacy programme which helps children to read and write. The programme is taught throughout the school from Nursery, through daily sessions. Regular assessments are carried out to ensure your child progresses through the programme.

Set 1 Sounds

First, your child will learn to read and write the Set 1 Speed Sounds. These are sounds that are written with only 1 letter. These can also be sounds written with two letters (your child will call these ‘special friends’.)

Once your child can read Set 1 Speed Sounds confidently, they can learn to read words. First, your child is introduced to a toy frog called Fred. Fred can only say the sounds in a word and needs your child to help him read the word. So, when you hear your child say ‘Fred Talk’, you’ll know this means sounding out the word.

Set 2 and 3 Sounds

Once your child has learned 'Set 1' sounds, they will learn to read the 'Set 2' speed sounds, words containing these sounds, and Pink, Orange and Yellow Storybooks.

Then, they will learn to read 'Set 3' speed sounds, words containing these sounds, and Blue and Grey Storybooks.

How to say the sounds

Your child will be taught to say the sound for the letter and not the letter name.
So, 'm' and in 'mat,' not 'em.'
's' and in 'sun' not 'es.'
It is important that this is reiterated at home.

Letter Rhymes

As your child is learning the single 'Set 1' sounds, they will be taught simple rhymes to help them form the letter correctly.

Then, when your child is learning sounds made of two or more letters, they will learn rhymes to help them remember the sound these 'special friends' make when they are together.

RWI Rhymes
RWI Red Words

Red Words

Red words must be learnt from memory that can not be sounded out with Fred talk. They include graphemes that have not been taught by the time they are needed in the reading books. As soon as the grapheme has been taught, each of these turn into a green word! Practise these so they can read them by sight (not blending).