Gwaith Ychwanegol Extra Work

Saesneg / English:

Task 1 - Descriptive writing

When Mrs. Smith got home from work one day, someone had broken into her shed.

Mrs. Smith went to the police station. She was asked to write a description of what she had seen.

Pretend you are Mrs. Smith. Write a description for the police.

Remember to describe the scene as carefully and detailed as possible.

Task 2 - Conjunctions

A conjunction is used to join two simple sentences together to make a sentence.

One example of a conjunction is and.

When the two simple sentences contain opposite ideas, we use but instead of and.

Can you complete these sentences by using a conjunction?

Now write 5 of your own sentences containing the conjunctions and and but.

Cymraeg / Welsh:

Tasg 1/ Task 1:

Darllen a Deall / Reading Comprehension:

Darllenwch y darn isod a dilynwch y cyfarwyddiadau i gwblhau'r dasg. / Read the passage below and follow the instructions to complete the task.

Gem WordWall/ WordWall game:

Cwestiynau - Random wheel (

Task 2 / Task 2:

Dewiswch gwestiynau 1, 2 neu 3 i gwblhau yn dibynnu ar ba mor hyderus ydych chi gydag atalnodi.

Choose questions 1,2 or 3 to complete based on how confident you are with punctuation.

Atalnod llawn / Full stop

Gofynnod neu marc cwestiwn / Question mark

Prif lythyren / Capital letter

Dyma gêm atalnodi os hoffech chi ymarfer. / Here is a punctuation game if you wish to practise:

Atalnodi - beth sydd ar goll? - Quiz (

Tasg 3 / Task 3:

Y llythrennau dwbl yw ch, dd, ff, ll, rh a th. Beth yw'r sillafiad cywir ar gyfer y geiriau yn y brawddegau?

The double letters are ch, dd, ff, ll, th and rh. Which is the correct spelling for the words in the sentences?

Rhifedd / Numeracy:

Tasg 1 / Task 1:

Beth yw'r rhifau coll yn y dilyniant yma?

What are the missing numbers in this number line?

Llenwch y rhifau coll.

Fill in the missing numbers.

Tasg 2 / Task 2

Lluoswch a rhannwch y rhifau yma gyda 10, 100 a 1000.

Multiply and divide these numbers by 10,100 and 1000.

Tasg 3 / Task 3:

Trefnwch y rhifau yma gan ddechrau gyda'r mwyaf.

Order these numbers. Start with the biggest number.

Rhowch y symbol < neu > i bob pâr o rifau.

Write the signs < or > for each pair of numbers.

Thema / Themed work:

Tasg 1 / Task 1:

Darganfyddwch prif dinasodd gwledydd Ewrop. / Discover each country is Europe's capital city.

Dyma fap o wledydd Ewrop i'ch helpu chi. / Here is a map of the countries in Europe to help you.

Tasg 2 / Task 2:

Solid, Hylif neu Nwy? / Solid, Liquid or Gas

Gwyliwch y pwerbwynt yma: / Watch this powerpoint:

Llenwch y tabl gan feddwl am bethau sydd yn solid, hylif neu nwy. Gallwch ysgrifennu neu dynnu llun. / Fill the table by thinking about things that are solid, liquid or gas. You can write or draw pictures.

Tasg 3 / Task 3:

Ailgylchu / Recycling:

Ewch ati i wylio y clipiau fideo ar wefan Waste Savers i weld sut yn union mae pethau'n cael eu hailgylchu.

Watch the video clips on the Waste Savers website to see exactly how objects are recycled.

Beth ydych chi'n eu hailgylchu yn eich cartref? / What things do you recycle in your home?

Rydych chi'n mynd i gynnal arolwg i weld faint o bethau sydd yn cael eu hailgylchu yn eich cartref chi yn ystod yr wythnos. Helpwch eich rhieni i drefnu'r ailgylchu ac yna dangoswch eich data ar ffurf tabl a graff. Defnyddiwch y daflen cofnodi isod neu gwnewch un eich hun. Lluniwch eich graff ar Hwb gan ddefnyddio J2 Data.

You are going to conduct a survey to find out how much your family recycles during the week. Help your parents to sort the recycling and then record your data in a table and graph. Use the recording sheet below or create your own. Use J2 Data on Hwb to form your graph.

Dyluniwch boster ailgylchu yn arddangos pa eitemau sy'n gallu cael eu hailgylchu a'r eitemau sydd ddim yn gallu cael eu hailgylchu. Dyma enghraifft.

Design a recycling poster showing what items can be recycled and what items cannot be recycled. Here is an example.


Tasg 1 - Iaith / Task 1 - Language:

Complex sentences.

Extend these sentences using:

if so while since

Examples of each:

The cat sat on the mat.

The cat sat on the mat so that he could curl up and go to sleep.

The cat sat on the mat while he was waiting for his tea.

If the weather was cold outside, the cat always sat on the mat in front of the fire.

The cat sat on the mat since it was the warmest place in the room.

1. It was cold outside.

2. Jane was bored.

3. Jack went out to play.

4. Dad lit the fire.

5. We walked down the road.

6. We had some work to do.

7. It wasn’t fair.

8. I wanted to go out to play.

Tasg 2 - Mathemateg / Task 2 - Maths:

Rydym wedi bod yn gwneud gwaith haneru a dyblu yr wythnos hon. / We have been doubling and halving this week.

1) Dewiswch o leiaf 4 eitem o naill ai bwydlen 'A' neu 'B'. Rydych angen prynu dau ohonynt. Beth yw'r gost? / Choose at least 4 items from either menu 'A' or 'B'. Please buy two of each item of your choice. What is the price?

2) Dewiswch o leiaf 4 eitem o naill ai bwydlen 'A' neu 'B'. Mae'r eitemau yn hanner pris. Beth yw'r gost? / Choose at least 4 items from either menu 'A' or 'B'. These items are now half price. How much are the items?



Mathemateg pen / Mental maths:

Chwaraewch y gêm yma i ymarfer eich sgiliau mathemateg pen. Gallwch osod amseroedd eich hun i gwblhau pob her. Ceisiwch guro eich sgôr pob tro!

Play this game to practise your mental math skills. You can set your own times to complete the challenges. Try to beat your score each time!

Mwynhewch yr hanner tymor! / Enjoy the half term!