
Tasg Sillafu / Spelling Task

Ysgrifennu mewn enfys:Ysgrifennwch y gair nifer o weithiau mewn lliwiau gwahanol.

Rainbow writing: Write the 'ed' verb several times in different colours.

jumped looked smiled played

kicked wanted worked

Tasg Rhifedd / Numeracy Task

Rydym ni wedi bod yn dysgu am adio byr mewn colofnau yr wythnos hon. Gwyliwch y ffilm er mwyn eich hatgoffa o'r weithred.

We have been learning how to do short column addition this week. Watch the video to be reminded of the strategy.

Atebwch y cwestiynau isod. Dewiswch gwestiynau A, B NEU C.

Answer the questions below. Choose questions A, B OR C.




Tasg Darllen / Reading Task

Rydych wedi derbyn llyfr darllen i ddarllen yn ytsod y pen wythnos. I ddangos eich bod wedi ei ddarllen, beth am recordio eich hun yn darllen tudalen o'r llyfr ac yna uwch lwythwch ef i SeeSaw?

You have received a reading book to read over the weekend. To show that you have read your book, why not record yourself reading a page and then upload it to SeeSaw?

RHAID dychwelyd y llyfr yn wythnosol er mwy derbyn llyfr arall i ddod adref!

YOU MUST return your book weekly in order for another one to be sent home!