
Tasg Sillafu / Spelling Task

Dyma rai geiriau aml ddefnydd Cymraeg. Mae'r disgyblion wedi derbyn copi caled heddiw. Dros yr wythnosau nesaf, byddwn yn gofyn i'r disgyblion i sillafu'r geiriau yma.

Below are some Welsh key words. The pupils have also received these as hard copies to bring home today.

Over the next weeks, we will ask the pupils to spell these words and therefore, please could you practise them at home?

Ymarfer teipio / Typing practise

Gwaith cartref am yr wythnosau nesaf yw i baratoi tuag at gystadleuaeth teipio a fydd yn cael ei chynnal yn yr ysgol ar y 1af o Ragfyr (gweler y wybodaeth isod.)

Er mwyn ymarfer adref, bydd angen i'ch plentyn fewngofnodi i Purple Mash gyda'i gwybodaeth bersonol ac mae yna dasg wedi ei roi iddynt yn eu ffeiliau. Mae'r disgyblion yn ymwybodol o'r gystadleuaeth ac maent wedi dechrau ymarfer yn y dosbarth.

The homework for the next couple of weeks is to prepare for the typing competition we will have for the pupils on the 1st of December. (see information below)

In order to practise, your child will need to log on to Purple Mash using their personal log in details and there will be an assigned task ready for them. The pupils are aware of the competition and have already started to practise in class.

Cystadleuaeth Teipio rhieni.pdf

Tasg Ychwanegol / Extra Task

Os hoffech dasg ychwanegol, beth am fynd ati i ysgrifennu am hanes ein trip lan mynydd Twmbarlwm? Dyma frawddegau cychwynnol a banc o eiriau i chi ddefnyddio fel cymorth.

If you would like an extra task , what about writing about our trip up Twmbarlwm hill? Here are some sentence starters and word bank as guidance.