
Tasg Sillafu / Spelling Task

#MewnMunud - Faint o weithiau gallwch chi ysgrifennu’r geiriau hyn mewn munud?

#Just a minute - How many times can you write these word in a minute?

afternoon moon spoon school foot took

Tasg Rhifedd / Numeracy Task

Atebwch y cwestiynau isod. Dewiswch gwestiynau A NEU B.

Answer the questions below. Choose questions A OR B.

A. Trefnwch y rhifau yma o'r lleiaf i'r mwyaf. /

Order these numbers from smallest to biggest:

  1. 8, 6, 17, 54, 12

  2. 18, 34, 22, 5, 90

  3. 12, 61, 89, 99, 102

  4. 1, 89, 98, 6, 67

  5. 100, 102, 201, 45, 6

B. Trefnwch y rhifau yma o'r lleiaf i'r mwyaf. /

Order these numbers from smallest to biggest:

  1. 56, 87, 3, 98, 124

  2. 100, 45, 145, 765, 132, 111

  3. 1876, 1654, 9876, 1345, 1877

  4. 45987, 23456, 87678, 245, 2567

  5. 1256, 456, 654, 1265, 8976

Tasg Darllen / Reading Task

Rydych wedi derbyn llyfr darllen i ddarllen yn ytsod y pen wythnos. I ddangos eich bod wedi ei ddarllen, beth am recordio eich hun yn darllen tudalen o'r llyfr ac yna uwch lwythwch ef i SeeSaw.

You have received a reading book to read over the weekend. To show that you have read your book, why not record yourself reading a page and then upload it to SeeSaw.