ADY Garth Olwg

Croeso i wefan yr Adran Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol.

Yn Ysgol Garth Olwg credwn yn gryf ei bod yn bwysig i weld bywyd ysgol

 "Trwy Lygad y Disgybl".

Welcome to Additional Learning Needs Department website. 

At Ysgol Garth Olwg we firmly believe that it is important to see school life "Through The Pupil's Eyes".

Dyma broses yr ysgol o adnabod a darparu cefnogaeth i ddisgyblion ADY.

This is the school's process for identifying and providing support for ALN pupils.

Flyer EPS.pdf
Presentation Garth Olwg.pptx