Feb. 2024

School Shout Out

Our Anti-Bias Antiracism (AB/AR) theme this year is Identity Awareness and Action. This month's AB/AR shout out goes to Martin Luther King Jr Middle School!!! A special shout out to teacher Mr. Aaron Thompson who supports students to reflect in their own words with an Equity Letter about culture, the arts, racial pride, and connections to BLM! Click here to see some photos of his students as well as photos of how Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. MS generally puts AB/AR into action. 

AB/AR for Students

STUDENTS!!! We also hope you honor Black History month beyond the first week of February and beyond the month of February itself. The significance of Black History Month extends far beyond the pages of history books; it is a living testament to the strength, courage, and perseverance of the Black community. It serves as a reminder that the fight for equality and justice is ongoing, and that we must all play a role in fostering a more inclusive and equitable society. Throughout this month, we encourage you to engage in meaningful conversations, educational activities, and events that highlight the contributions of Black leaders, artists, scientists, activists, and everyday heroes. 

Click here to watch a video about one Black cultural global contribution - the invention of Hip Hop, which recently celebrated its 50th anniversary.  (Bonus: explore this e-turn table and mix beats here)

AB/AR for Staff

Staff can also click here for the Feb. Staff AB/AR Links for a shared drive of some sample ideas and an Educator Resources connecting our theme to opportunities we can provide in our school communities for students, staff, and families around Identity Awareness and Action; resources curated by Newsela; and honoring American Heart Month! Also, our Voluntary AB/AR PD Series! See more here.

AB/AR for Families/Community

HUSD Families/Community! We encourage you to watch this video with your child(ren) and share stories about your connection to Hip Hop if you have some. Help them understand the various communities to which you all belong. (Bonus: Support yourselves and the youth in your life to practice these heart-healthy strategies).