Old Women Creek

Old Woman Creek is a nature preserve and estuary located in Huron OH. On 9-27-21 my class went on a field trip to visit the park. The weather was moderate and the sky was clear so it was a great day to enjoy hiking and the different activities that we did.


Water Testing- We tested water in 2 different spots, one was on the board walk and the other one was in the marsh. Both samples were safe for animals to live in.

Canoeing- The next thing we did is we went canoeing in the marsh and saw many different types of birds, we weren't able to go to far in because of the wind but it was still a good experience.

Hike- We also took a hike through the different trails, when we were hiking we stopped and looked and different plants and animals.

Microscope- We got to look through the microscopes at different types of planktons and microinvertabrates.

My Experience

When I went to Old Women Creek I had a lot of fun and enjoyed many of the activities. The one I enjoyed the most was conoeing. I enjoyed this one because it was a chanllenge to work with your partner not to tip. Another activity i enjoyed was the water testing. My job was to test for nitrates and the Ph level. Another activity I liked was looking through the microscope. It was fun because it was something I have never done before.