Star of the Week

Well done to the following pupils: 

Da Vinci Class

Star of the week

Poppy - Poppy has returned to school as a real thinker and inquirer. She is a very active member of the class and communicates her knowledge in a range of subjects confidently. She has always got her hand up to share her thoughts and ideas.

Eli - Eli has been knowledgeable this week in our inquiry about human life cycles. He was able to sequence his photographs and explain how he has grown and changed. He was also independent in his sentence writing to explain the stages.

Berners-Lee Class

Star of the week

Albie - Albie has impressed us with the improvements he has made. He is becoming a great communicator and has been reflecting on how to improve even further.

Willow - Willow has been a risk taker this week and worked hard to use her phonics knowledge to spell independently. She has shown how knowledgeable she is - well done and keep it up!

Cousteau Class

Star of the week

Rubee-Mae - Rubee-Mae has been a great communicator this week as she has been able to explain her ideas well and confidently in lessons. She has been an active member of Year 2 and showing how much of a risk taker she is when having a go at answering questions, especially in maths.

Nathan-Petru - Nathan-Petru has been super reflective so far this term by continuing to make sure rights choices during learning time. Well done Nathan!

Anderson Class

Star of the week

Lucas - For being an amazing learner this week! He has been resilient in work has shown a amazing behaviour for learning. He has been reflective and trying to correct his mistakes independently.

Evie G - For having an amazing attitude towards her learning this week and been really principled with getting her work completed to a high standard. Evie has taken risks with her learning and been a thinking when trying to do more things independently as well as sharing her ideas with the class and her talking partner. Well done Evie! 

Adams Class

Star of the week

Freddie - Freddie has been a Knowledgeable and reflective learner in his Maths and Science skills this week. He's made improvements to work and reflected how he can make his work better.

Leola - Leola has been reflective in her learning to ensure that she is producing high quality work at all times.

Thunberg Class

Star of the week

Beatriz - Beatriz for using excellent thinking skills and beginning to share her ideas across all subjects more confidently. Beatriz is also becoming more of a risk-taker in all aspects of her learning. Well done Beatriz!

Aiden - Aiden has been a very knowledgeable learner when it came to our inquiry on Space. He has written an excellent report and been very reflective across all subjects this week. Aiden is also becoming a much more independent learner. Well done Aiden!

Attenborough Class

Star of the week

Grace - Grace for being a risk-taker and increasingly sharing her ideas in classroom discussions.

Riley - Riley for being a risk-taker during classroom discussions and being a thinker when developing his vocabulary choices when writing his newspaper report. Well done Riley.