Term 4

The Hundred of Hoo Academy

Primary Bulletin

Message from Mr Etheridge - Primary Principal 

Welcome Back

As you will see from the subject pages which form part of this bulletin, we have already had a fantastic start to module 4 with all of the children engaging in some very exciting learning in their classrooms. From dissecting plants, to learning about space and from honing important mathematical skills to developing musical prowess, children have continued to show their fantastic academic and personal skills. 

I am so excited to see what the rest of this term brings with trips, visits, events and opportunities to represent the academy whilst collaborating with other academies.

We would like to thank all of those parents/carers who booked and attended a parents' evening last term; these opportunities to discuss your child's learning are so valuable as it gives us the chance to share all of the amazing attributes we see day-to-day, give you important updates about how your child is doing educationally and give you the chance to formally discuss with your child's teacher any educational concerns you may have.

PTA Update

Over the past year, the PTA have worked incredibly hard to plan, organise and run a wide variety of events to provide fantastic opportunities for our pupils as well as raising valuable funds for the school.

As you know, the PTA is formed of volunteers who work hard to enrich our school community and we are very thankful for all of the work and commitment that they have shown. Each year, there is an Annual General Meeting (AGM), where the Chair, Treasurer and Secretary are appointed through a democratic process of votes.

Whilst these are the named roles, our PTA is made up of a large group of parents who also commit their time, resources and effort to making the range of events we offer so incredible. Whenever refering to 'The PTA', I am always referencing the breadth of parents who so generously give up their time to support the school.

I am aware that this year some of the current post-holders wish to step down from their roles, so if you would like to get involved, I would like to invite you to the AGM taking place on Thursday 23rd March at 4.30pm.

If you intend on joining this meeting, which I would highly encourage you to do, please complete the following Google Form so we are able to arrange refreshments and seating. 

Additionally, if you would like to volunteer for one or all of the designated roles, there will be a letter coming home by the end of the week for you to be able to volunteer.

I know you will want to join me in thanking all of the members of the PTA for their efforts over the past year and I am very excited for what the PTA will have in store for the upcoming one!

Book Vending Machine

Alongside supporting some of our most vulnerable members of the school, one of the most significant purchases that the PTA have made has been for a new book vending machine and the first stock of books for children to win.

With reading being such an important skill, as a school we want to encourage children to do as much of it as possible and by having the opportunity to win their own book by being engaged in reading activities, we are sure that, with your support, we can increase the amount of reading for pleasure that children do.

I'm sure you will agree that our newest addition to the school looks very inviting and will encourage children to get their noses into a new book!

World Book Day 

On Friday 3rd March, we celebrated World Book Day (we know it was actually on the 2nd, but didn't want to miss out on the fun!).

There were so many amazing costumes and we were, as always, incredibly impressed with the level of effort that families put into creating their Book Day masterpieces! There were costumes which had us genuinely chuckling and others which had made us take a second glance.

Each class chose a 'best costume' and the winning child was awarded one of the first 'Golden Tokens' to receive their very own book from the vending machine. 

In the coming weeks and months there will be lots of reading competitions taking place both in school and at home and we would love for your child to also be the winner of their very own Golden Token to use in the Vending Machine!

Medway Night Lights

Over the course of module three, year five students from both Hundred of Hoo Academy and High Halstow Academy worked with artists from EEA to design and build flower-shaped lanterns which reflected the local area. They then came together with thousands of other pupils from Medway schools to create a procession of light through Chatham High Street. 

This is the second year that The Hundred of Hoo Primary have worked to take part in this amazing community event and is just one of the ways we help to provide pupils with the opportunity to develop their own personal development by working together, not just with their class, but with pupils from all over Medway and is definitely something to be celebrated.

Sessions with Paula Johnson and Feedback 

As you will have heard in my previous bulletins, we are very fortunate to have Paula Johnson, our resident counsellor on the staff team, offering valuable sessions to parents relating to a wide number of topics which impact on pupils.

Paula's most recent session with parents was around the topic of 'Self-Esteem' and the feedback from parents was nothing short of glowing. 100% of parents who attended rated the sessions as either 9/10 or 10/10 for the pace, information, usefulness and knowledge of Paula - this is certainly something we offer our school which very few other primary schools are able to do.

As per parental requests, Paula will be running a session for parents around the topic of 'sleep' and the importance of creating positive routines for sleep on the 18th May 2023 at 1.30pm until 3pm. 

If you would like to attend, please complete this Google Form with your name, the number of people attending and your child's name so Paula can prepare the relevant number of handouts and refreshments. 

Additionally, there is a request box on the form for parents to be able to ask for specific topics to be covered by Paula in the future.


This is a reminder that the disabled parking bays (the last two on the left before the vehicular exit), which are marked as such with signage and road markings, are for Blue Badge Holders only, unless an express arrangement with myself or another member of the school Senior Leadership Team has been made.

I am aware that waiting for spaces can be tiresome and frustrating; however, these spaces, like spaces in public car parks, supermarkets or designated on-road parking, are reserved for people with, or caring for people with, a disability.

I have also been made aware of secondary parents using the carpark and am currently in talks with the Estates department and Mr Guerin-Hassett about how best to tackle this, but in the meantime, I ask you to continue to considerately use the facility which we are fortunate to have. 

As always, I would urge that if you live within walking distance to travel to school by foot or bicycle in order to reduce the number of vehicles attempting to access the school site.