House Xavier is named after St. Francis Xavier. His feast day is December 3. We celebrate our "courageous" house on this day. House Xavier wants you to share in our "pride" today! Enjoy all the fun activities planned.


Take a minute to learn more about our founder and mascot.

Our founder...

St. Francis Xavier


There are several activities to try and earn house points. See below for details.


We have several "fierce" pet contenders this year. Vote for your favorite here!

Lion Puzzle Scavenger Hunt

Hidden around the US and LS are pieces to a lion puzzle. Find a piece of the puzzle and you'll earn house points. Turn LS pieces into Ms. Cohen. Turn US pieces into Ms. Toohey.

Lion Drawing Contest

Show off your skills and draw your best "lion." Students will earn 2 house points and the winner will earn 5 points. The winner will be selected by 8th grade Xavier students. Submit entries to Ms. Cohen or Ms. Toohey.


Show your lion pride by creating one of these crafts!

Lower School Crafts

Ms. Cohen has delivered crafts to lower school classes. Let's make that Lion Pride!

Or try drawing a lion using this video.

Lion Fun

Click the videos to move your body.

Upper School Service Project

Students will make and donate blankets to a local animal shelter to help rescue pets feel loved and secure.