Weekly Updates


When asked about perseverance, people tend to think about monumental achievements such as climbing Mount Everest. But perseverance is not just about major accomplishments. It also includes the smaller steps taken to achieve a larger goal and it happens here at Holy Trinity School every day. As a second-grade assistant teacher, I have the wonderful opportunity to see students in all of their classes as they learn new skills and I see first-hand how students persevere.

During music class the other day, students learned a new song and dance. It was so fun to watch them (see videos below) as they recited the words to the song and practiced the steps to the dance with a partner. As they tried out the dance for the first time, a few students got turned around, some even fell down, but they quickly got back up and practiced over and over until they got it right. I even saw students practicing the song and dance during courtyard recess the following day.

Students also show perseverance during art class. The class is pretty fast paced, and students really need to focus to get their projects done in the allotted time. Needless to say, there is not much time to make corrections. However, I have seen students redo parts of their project, or even throw away their entire project and start over with little time to spare and still manage to get their projects completed by the end of the class.

One other way students have been showing perseverance is during PE. At the beginning of the school year, Ms. Bradley asked the students to do sit ups. After about ten seconds of struggling, the teacher told students they weren’t ready to do them yet. For the past eight weeks, the students have been practicing the boat pose and planks to strengthen their abdominal muscles. I am anxiously awaiting the day the students are strong enough to do sit-ups. In the meantime, I can’t help but think I should be down on the floor with the second graders strengthening my abs too!

Ms. Schultz

2nd Grade Assistant Teacher


Watch this amazing trick shot video and pay attention to how many attempts each shot took to make it. These shots show true perseverance to not give up when it didn't work time after time (after time).

What is something you have continued trying to succeed at, even when it wasn't working or wasn't easy? Send Mrs. DeFoor an email (adefoor@htsdc.org) to have your story featured!

Welcome back Becraft (2).pdf

A stained glass window in Anne Marie Becraft's honor at Georgetown University

Hi Otters!

Happy Catholic Schools Week! Even though it's not Student Appreciation Day yet, we hope you know how otterly appreciative we are that you are in Becraft House, each day of the year!

We have a Becraft challenge for you for all you writers and artists who want to be published!

Since February is Black History Month, Junior Saints newspaper is publishing drawings of African American women (and men) who made history, and writing about what they admire about that person. Wouldn't it be amazing to recognize our House founder Anne Marie Becraft?!

If you are interested in submitting your work, please let Mrs. Calabrese and Mrs. DeFoor know, and submissions (writing and/or drawing) are due Tuesday, February 8th.

All entries will receive 3 House Points.

4/29 House Meeting

Taking care of our earth is a big task! We must persevere every day to help take care of the earth. What every day tasks are you completing to help our planet? Email Mrs. DeFoor (adefoor@htsdc.org) with a list of things you do for 2 House points.

Here is another exciting House Point opportunity:

Global warming means our Earth is in danger. It also means that animals and people are in danger. As the Earth gets hotter, it gets harder and harder to stay safe and have enough food to eat.

Even though you're not yet old enough to vote, did you know that you can still contact our country's leaders and ask them to stand up for the things you care about? Tons of kids have written letters about global warming to Congress (the group of people who make laws for the United States).

For this house points challenge, write a letter to Congress asking for action to protect the planet from global warming. Write your letter, decorate it (optional), and bring it in to school. Your homeroom teacher will help you address an envelope and mail your letter to your congressional representative.

Look at the examples of letters here: https://climatemuseum.org/climateartforcongress

Talk Our Trait-Becraft.mp4

Talk Your Trait 2020

Week of October 26th,

Happy Halloween Otters!

Mrs. Cooter shows perseverance by drawing. Here is a picture she drew of an otter mascot for Becraft. What would your Becraft mascot look like? Send us a picture to be featured on the website!

On November 12th, Becraft will teach the entire school about our house trait. This will be a recorded video that we'll share out and everyone will watch in homerooms. So, WE NEED YOUR HELP!

Please submit a flipgrid video by next Friday, November 6th. This video can be a story of a time when you refused to give up; a tip to help yourself persevere; or a shout out to someone in our school that you saw demonstrating perseverance. Click this link and log in with your HTS account. You may also use a parent email and use the password "Titans2020" to access it.

You may also submit artwork or something creative to teach others about our trait (take a picture and email it to adefoor@htsdc.org or rcalabrese@htsdc.org.

Email us with any questions- we are excited to teach the school about this!

Mrs. Calabrese and Mrs. DeFoor


Week of October 19th,

Hi Otters!

Thank you to everyone who donated to the N St Village Shero Walk! Even though we were not the top scorer, we are so proud of all the contributions, and are excited by how much good will come to the women and children at N Street- all thanks to your generosity!

We are still in last place Becraft! What can you do this week to earn points, and help us regain our spot as the number one house?

Keep persevering!

Mrs. Calabrese& Mrs. DeFoor

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On October 17th, HTS will be participating in a virtual walk for N Street Village-- an organization that seeks to empower homeless and low income women. This is our first house competition of the year as you can make donations to N Street Village by joining Becraft's team.

Click here to sign up with Becraft's team and donate for an incredible cause- just click Becraft's logo at the bottom of the page and hit "donate".

Week of October 6th, 2020

Hi Otters!

Wow- thank you for supporting the N Street Village virtual walk for the homeless! You can click on the link above to donate. Becraft House can win points for both most money raised, and also for most participation- any amount helps!

This week we have an inspirational video coming to you from Mr. Ellis and his friend Ollie the Otter. How have you shown perseverance this week? How are you living up to your role as House Champions this year?

Be sure to give an Otter Salute greeting to a fellow Becrafter today!

Mrs. Calabrese and Mrs. DeFoor

Otter Juggling Rocks: A Few Theories Why | The Dodo - YouTube.webm

Week of September 28th, 2020

Hi Otters!

We continue to welcome more of you back into the building and we couldn't be any happier to see your smiling faces. Well, sort of; don't forget to wear your masks!

This week's update comes from Ms. Montes in Kindergarten. She wanted to share with you one of the most interesting talents the otter has. Can anyone juggle? Send us a video! (Rcalabrese@htsdc.org adefoor@htsdc.org)

Next week's house meeting will be "live" and will feature some special guests. We can't wait to see who it is!

As we continue to get used to routines and rules of this strange school year, keep persevering! Does anyone have a story of perseverance or determination to share? Maybe you saw someone who wouldn't give up. Maybe you, yourself, refused to quit and kept trying. Share with us!

Have a great week!

Mrs. Calabrese & Mrs. DeFoor

Week of September 21, 2020

Hello Otters!

It has been so nice to hear and see students in the building this week! We know this is an exciting week filled with new experiences and lots of new routines to learn; help your classmates persevere through this change by encouraging a positive attitude and a team work mindset!

This week, we have a very special video message brought to you by your House Captain AND Mr. Wimmer-- plus, a special furry friend.

Please remember to wear your masks on campus. This helps our community stay healthy and be able to stay together! To encourage our mask wearing, we invite you to participate in a "design your house mask" competition. In the next two weeks, use the My Mask Design to create a mask that shows off your house trait, mascot, founder, or any specific Becraft memories you might have. Each entry will earn 1 point! Email your submission to adefoor@htsdc.org or rcalabrese@htsdc.org

Have a great week & GO BECRAFT!

Mrs. DeFoor & Mrs. Calabrese

Becraft Update.mp4
Design A Mask.pdf

Week of September 14, 2020

Meet our newest Becraft member, Brody, who has been practicing his Otter Shake! Do you have a pet who might do a great otter shake? Send Mrs. Calabrese a video- rcalabrese@htsdc.org

We are so proud of all your perseverance! We moved from 5th up to 3rd by the end of last week...amazing work! Let's see if we can keep up the point earning.


Mrs. DeFoor, Mrs. Calabrese, Sra. Fleming, and Brody (Woof!)

Week of September 7, 2020

Happy Becraft Champion Day!

Today's House Meeting will be a very exciting Becraft Championship celebration!

This week we have a message from Mrs. Strike, filmed at a very special location! You can also check out the 'Otters in Action' page to see some of your fellow Otters performing the our House Cheer. If you would also like to be featured doing the cheer, email a video of yourself to Mrs. DeFoor (adefoor@htsdc.org)

Go Becraft!
Mrs. Calabrese and Mrs. DeFoor

Week of August 31, 2020
Hi Becraft House!This marks our first weekly message during cyber school. We miss seeing your faces so much and are eager to meet our new members. Welcome to Madeline, Maxwell, and Giles!!!
First, CONGRATULATIONS on being the first house champions! Although... we aren't surprised :) We appreciate each of you for your enthusiasm, your hard work, your good sportsmanship, and, of course, your perseverance.
Each week, we'll update this page with a new video and important information so that we can all stay connected as a house. Watch our first video update from your Heads of House and then check out Nasa's new Mars rover-- we think you'll love the name.

Have a great week-Mrs. Calabrese & Mrs. DeFoor
Becraft Welcome.mp4

Nasa's new Mars rover named, "Perseverance"!