Welcome to the House System at HTS!

The House System is an exciting way to build community and identity at Holy Trinity School. Smaller communities formed by each house encourage students to form stronger bonds with schoolmates. These relationships and participation in a common goal lead to a sense of belonging, which has academic benefits as well as social-emotional ones. In addition to building a greater sense of community, the House System provides opportunities for students to engage in leadership roles and service projects.

Students can earn house points throughout the year by demonstrating house traits, excelling in sports or academics, and showing effort and significant progress toward personal goals. Students and parents can keep track of house points and house standings here.

House Romero

House Romero is guided by the principles of St. Oscar Romero, the Salvadoran archbishop who sacrificed his life in defense of the poor. Students in this house believe that “love and peace is rooted in justice.”

House Day

House Day members follow in the footsteps of their founder, Dorothy Day, by opening their hearts to others and speaking the truth. Day students show their love for others by expressing gratitude.

House Xavier

House Xavier are followers of St. Francis Xavier, a companion of St. Ignatius of Loyola. St. Francis Xavier devoted much of his life to missionary work, living and working side by side with the poor. Members of House Xavier are known for their courageous hearts.

House Juana

House Juana is modeled after the life of Joanna of Austria, Princess of Portugal, who disguised herself as a Jesuit in order to serve the most needy. Members of House Juana are known for putting others first.

House Arrupe

House Arrupe takes its name and values from Pedro Arrupe, the 28th superior general of the Society of Jesus and the founder of the Jesuit Refugee Service. Arrupe members show compassion to everyone they meet.

House Becraft

House Becraft was founded in honor of Anne Marie Becraft, an educator and nun who established a school for girls in Washington, DC. Students in House Becraft display perseverance in all their pursuits.