Program Overview


During the 2022-2023 school year, every student in grades K through 12 will have access to a Chromebook provided by the school district. This will be the ninth school year of full implementation of the 1:1 initiative that Hillsborough Township Public Schools first started piloting in the 2011-2012 school year.

We, as a district, are proud of the successful implementation of the 1:1 initiative and its impact on student learning. We believe the opportunity for each student to have their own device is resulting in an overall enhanced educational experience, better student organizational skills and expansion of learning and sharing beyond the walls of the traditional classroom. We look forward to continuing to harness the potential that this technology can provide to our students and our instructional program.

Grades K-4

  • Students in grades K-4 will have access to a Chromebook for use in school. These devices will be stored on carts in each classroom and will be used at the teacher's discretion.

Grades 5-12

  • Students in grades 5-12 will be issued a school Chromebook and charger. Chargers are to stay home for the year and do not need to come to school. Students should charge their Chromebooks each night to ensure they are fully charged each day they come to school. Chromebooks will be filtered for inappropriate content though we do recommend you do not allow your student to use the device while unsupervised. The protection plan is once again available to all families in grades 5-12 which will cover the costs for any damages in the event a student were to accidentally break the device.

  • Chromebooks issued to students in grades 5-12 are outfitted with an always-on style case. It must remain on the device at all times.

Vision and Goals

The goals of the 1:1 program include:

  • To provide opportunities where technology may assist in breaking down cultural and socioeconomic barriers thereby providing equity for all students.

  • To have students become more adept and confident in using technology as a tool to enhance learning in all aspects of their academic lives.

  • To provide students with sophisticated challenges and opportunities for global learning in the digital age while achieving the National Education Technology Standards for Students (NETS).

      • Creativity and Innovation

      • Communication and Collaboration

      • Research and Information Fluency

      • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making

      • Digital Citizenship

      • Technology Operations and Concepts

  • To have students go beyond the standard of digital citizenship and become creative and problem-solving digital leaders.

  • To offer ubiquitous access to all information anytime, anywhere as a built-in benefit of a mobile device.

  • To provide students the opportunity and flexibility to extend their learning environment to all aspects of time and location as appropriate.