Parent Resources

Educational Websites


This excellent website has alphabet, pre-reading and reading activities as well as math activities too! This is a favorite website in our classroom!


Fun games to practice a variety of skills! We use this website in the classroom to play alphabet bingo and number bingo. Activities for many age levels!

IXL Kindergarten Math Skills

This website has activities for your child to do online to practice the math skills your child is learning in the classroom.

Learning Planet

There are many activities available for any age, just click on your child's grade level.

Fun Brain

Fun educational games.

Parent Section

Infinite Campus

Use Infinite Campus to keep up to date on your child's grades.

Hillsboro R-3 School District

Access to the school district's website as well as Infinite Campus.

DLTK's Alphabuddies

Many alphabet activities to do with your child!

Alphabet Chart

This chart shows the students how to write the letters using the Zaner Bloser method.

ABC Activities

Many printable worksheets that practice recognizing upper and lowercase letters and beginning sounds.