Grading & Retake


Grading Scale:

Advanced A…………................100-90

Proficient B…………….............89-80

Nearing proficiency C……...79-70

Basic D……………......................69-60

Below basic F…………….........59-0

Grade Weights:

Essays/Summative Assessments…………………....……….35%

Research Paper………………………………………………..............35%


Final Exam………………………….………………………................…10%

Deadlines & Due Dates:

Because this is a college level course, the student will be held to college level expectations which includes a strict adherence to deadlines and due dates. Students will be given due dates well in advance in order to have sufficient time to complete them. As such, there will be a penalty for assignments that are turned in after the due date even though the assignment may still be accepted depending on the circumstances.

  • This is especially important during the Research Paper unit. The deadline for the Research Paper is a hard-fast date & time that will be strictly adhered to. I will accept and grade ONLY what that you have completed at the exact time of the due date. NO LATE RESEARCH PAPERS WILL BE ACCEPTED FOR ANY REASON.

    • So, for example, if you only have 3 of the 8 pages completed, I will accept and grade only what I can read in those 3 pages.

Late Work Policy for Regular Coursework:

Once an assignment is late, whether by a minute or a week, the assignment will automatically be graded for reduced credit.

I will accept late work up until the end of that specific unit; once we move on to the next unit, no work from previous units will be accepted. Further, any work listed as "missing" (or M) in the gradebook for the current unit will become permanent zeros upon the completion of that unit.

    • For example, if you missed 3 assignments during the "Quote Integration" unit, they will be listed as "missing" in the gradebook and are still able to be turned in for reduced credit throughout the course of the "QI" unit. Upon completion of the "QI" unit, if those assignments have still not been turned in, the grade will be changed from an "M" to a permanent 0%, and can no longer be turned in.

A "Late Work" form (linked at the top of your Google Classroom "Coursework" tab) MUST be completed for EVERY late assignment that you turn in throughout the course of the unit.

    • You must fill out this form for EACH INDIVIDUAL assignment that's completed. You may NOT put multiple assignments on one form.

Late Work Policy for ALL Writing Assignments/Essays:

ALL writing assignments are due at the posted due date and time. I will grade ONLY WHAT IS COMPLETED AT THE TIME OF THE DUE DATE.

    • There will be NO "LATE WORK" accepted on these assignments.


"Retake" Policy"

The summative assessment retake policy for this course may be different from other courses students have taken here at HHS. Students will still have two tries at each summative assignment; the first is called a pre-summative, and the second is called the regular summative.

At the end of a unit of study, students will take a pre-summative assessment. This assessment has the same learning targets and sections as the regular summative. The teacher will grade the pre-summative, record it as a formative assessment, and give feedback to students about their performance. Students have time to continue learning if needed before the regular summative. The regular summative, therefore, becomes what we previously called the “retake.” Now that the student has had two opportunities to test under the guidance of the teacher, no traditional retake will be administered.