The Inventor

Extroverted, iNtuiting, Thinking, Perceiving 

ENTPs love pursuing, debating, discussing and creating ideas. They are perceptive, candid, and creative problem solvers. They can be very enthusiastic and energetic when they’re focused on something that really interests them. 

The ENTP is constantly absorbing information from the world around them which they sort and compare against their own thoughts and beliefs to generate insights, plans and solutions. They have the ability to rationally consider the perspectives of others and tend to be honest and straightforward. 

ENTPs enjoy taking established beliefs, ideas and processes in new or unexpected directions and have the ability to persuade others to support them in their pursuits.  Others may perceive ENTPs as argumentative because they’re so often involved in doing what they enjoy; debating and discussing ideas.  

Because the ENTP is so interested in pursuing knowledge, they may have difficulty remaining focused on any single task or subject for a prolonged period of time. Also, because they need to remain mentally engaged, once they’ve figured something out, they tend to become bored. This means they may tend to leave planning, organization, validation, and other routines to others as they seek out new knowledge or problems to solve.

Source: myBlueprint