Week 29:  3/18 - 3/22

Student Copy of 2024 Period 8 Calendar

PT2 - The Real Deal!

Sample Past IWAs for PT2
Copy of How-to-Make-an-Elevator-Pitch
PT2 IWA - Things To Consider When Refining Your RQ & Providing Feedback On RQs
Sample Oral Defense Questions

Performance Task 2

A. Continue to revisit the Task Overview (PPT) & Handout  (see resources below)

B. Suggested Viewing for some Videos connected to PT2 (See Week 29 Videos in GClassroom ). These  videos will begin to move you forward in building your argument for your IWA.

C. Start building a possible Works Cited List of Sources on Noodle Tools for you research topic 

Share with the Noodle Tools Inbox: PT2 - 23/24 AP Seminar

**(Note - Most of the high scoring sample IWAs [see below] have between 15-25 sources)

You will need to have 15 in NTools by 3/27 - See GClassroom #66


D. Look at the sample IWA paper (with scores) that I have provided in the document "Sample Past IWAs for PT2" - (left column)

E. Create a brief  (1 minute) "Elevator Pitch" Flipgrid to share (pitch) your research topic/question and elicit feedback.  Directions will be provided on Classroom. You will also be asked to give your classmates feedback on their pitches. This Flipgrid will be due by the end of the day on Wednesday & providing feedback to your peers will be due on Monday -See GClassroom #64 

F. IWA Outline will be due on 3/26 - See GClassroom #65 

G. IWA Rough Draft 1 will be due on 3/28 - See Gclassroom #67

Copy of Copy of Task 2 Overview
PT2 Directions with Annotations for Argumentation.pdf

MP3 - Independent Reading Assignment  (GClassroom #63)

Please follow the reading schedule below:

Of Mice and Men

Part 2 - Chapters 4-6  

Complete reading by class on Wednesday, March 20th

Complete Assessment #2 on Albert.io by Friday, March 22nd


Part 2 - Lines 1383 - End  (pages 62-128)

Complete reading by class on Wednesday, March 20th

Complete Assessment #2 on Albert.io by Friday, March 22nd