Week 262/26 - 3/1

PT1 - The REAL Deal!

2024 PT1 Calendar


A.  Introduction to PT1

          AP Seminar Performance Task 1  Directions

B. Rubrics:

PT1 Individual Research Report Rubric

PT1 Presentation Rubric

 C.  Overview Presentation

Performance Task One Overview 



A.Last informal practice days!!!

B.Perfect Oral Defense Responses - See examples right!

Examples of Oral Defense Responses.pdf

Tuesday, March 5th will be IRR Upload Day - During Class!

Wednesday & Thursday


It's Time To Present!

PT2 - The Real Deal!

Copy of 2024 Stimulus Materials

Performance Assessment  Task 2

A. Review the Task Overview (PPT)  

B. Complete the PT2 Source C Assignment - Due by class on Tuesday (2/27)  (See GClassroom #53)

C. Complete the PT2 Source D Assignment - Due by class on Wednesday (2/28) (See GClassroom #54)

D. Friday (3/1)- Source C & D Quiz (See GClassroom #55 )

E. Complete the PT2 Source  E  Assignment - Due on Tuesday, March 5th (See GClassroom #56

F. Complete the PT2 Source  F  Assignment - Due on Wednes, March 6th (See GClassroom #57 )

MP3 - Independent Reading Assignment 

Please follow the reading schedule below:

Of Mice and Men

Part 1 - Chapters 1-3 

Complete reading by class on Friday, February 23rd

Complete Assessment #1 on Albert.io by Tuesday, February 27th

Part 2 - Chapters 4-6  

Complete reading by class on Wednesday, March 20th

Complete Assessment #2 on Albert.io by Friday, March 22nd


Part 1 - Lines 1 - 1382 (pages 3-61)

Complete reading by class on Friday, February 23rd

Complete Assessment #1 on Albert.io by Tuesday, February 27th

Part 2 - Lines 1383 - End  (pages 62-128)

Complete reading by class on Wednesday, March 20th

Complete Assessment #2 on Albert.io by Friday, March 22nd