Week 24: 2/12-2/16

PT1 - The REAL Deal!

2024 PT1 Calendar

I. Resources:

A.  Introduction to PT1

          AP Seminar Performance Task 1  Directions

B. Rubrics:

PT1 Individual Research Report Rubric

PT1 Presentation Rubric

 C.  Overview Presentation

Performance Task One Overview 

TMP Overview
Copy of S1 TMP Pres.

II. To Do This Week:

A.Review Week's Agenda 

B. Draft TMP - Due on Friday, 2/16 (See GClassroom #48)

Work as a team to create your presentation!

1.Review the following resources to begin the process:

****Take the time to look at some sample presentations from the past to get an idea of how to structure your argument.  Please note that neither of these are perfect, by the structure and the slides devoted to alternatives solutions and limitations are  effective.

Continue to Revise & Edit your IRRS!!!!!!!!

PT2 - The Real Deal!


Performance Assessment  Task 2 - PT2

A. Continue to review the PT2 Stimulus Packet for this year! 

B. Wednesday - View together  2023 PT2 Stimulus Materials Notes Presentation

C. Complete the PT2 Source A Assignment - Due by class on Tuesday (2/20) (See GClassroom #49) 

D. Complete the PT2 Source B Assignment - Due by class on Wednesday (2/21) (See GClassroom #50)  

E. Thursday (2/23) - Open Note Quiz on Sources A & B (See GClassroom #51)

Copy of 2024 Stimulus Materials
Source B.pdf
Source A.pdf

MP3 - Independent Reading Assignment 

Please follow the reading schedule below:

Of Mice and Men

Part 1 - Chapters 1-3 

Complete reading by class on Friday, February 23rd

Complete Assessment #1 on Albert.io by Tuesday, February 27th

Part 2 - Chapters 4-6  

Complete reading by class on Wednesday, March 20th

Complete Assessment #2 on Albert.io by Friday, March 22nd


Part 1 - Lines 1 - 1382 (pages 3-61)

Complete reading by class on Friday, February 23rd

Complete Assessment #1 on Albert.io by Tuesday, February 27th

Part 2 - Lines 1383 - End  (pages 62-128)

Complete reading by class on Wednesday, March 20th

Complete Assessment #2 on Albert.io by Friday, March 22nd