Week 24: 2/12 - 2/16

Webquest/Research Project


Today we are going to begin working on gathering more sources and information to help us complete the Webquest that we will start later this week. In this Webquesti each of you will be assigned two distinct roles of inquiry from the following: Psychiatrist, Sociologist, Geographer, and Biographer. The first role everyone will be assigned is Psychiatrist. Today we will begin preparing for this section of questioning. See GClassroom #44 for these directions

Your job today is to do the following:

Four Sources for Monday’s Class:

By the end of the period, we should see ALL 4 of the sources (each with a summary paragraph) in your NoodleTools OMM Project. 

Total Points for Completion - 20 points (5 points each)

B. Any time left must be used to complete the IXL Assignment (GClassroom #43 ) which is due on Thursday!

C. If you have finished A & B, please go to Freerice.com and work on vocabulary skills!


To Do:

A.Many of you did NOT complete the work or follow the directions from Monday. Today we will be working on getting caught up with Assignment #44. Individual To Do Lists will be given to each of you to complete!

B. Any time remaining should be spent completing IXL Assignment #43 or on Freerice.com practicing vocabulary skills.

To Do - Wednesday, February 14, 2024
Copy of Database Logins 2023-2024.docx


To Do:

A.Today we are going to repeat our steps from Monday, but for one of the other 3 roles (Biographer, Geographer, Sociologist).  Please see  GClassroom #45 for directions and role assignments.

B. Any time remaining should be spent completing IXL Assignment #43 or on Freerice.com practicing vocabulary skills.


Thursday, February 15, 2024 - Sociologist


Thursday, February 15, 2024 - Biographer


Thursday, February 15, 2024 - Geographer


1.Complete IXL Activities (See GClassroom #46).

 2. Complete any class work missed this week (See GClassroom #44 & #45)

3. If you finish all work from this week, please go to FreeRice.com and work on your vocabulary skills!