Week 11: 11/13-11/17


 Read the story "The Black Cat"

     "The Black Cat" (Drive)

Feel free to check out the Black Cat Interactive Site to review the story!

  Check out pictures (below) of the house Poe lived in when he wrote "The Black Cat." You certainly can see how his basement may have been a source of inspiration!

The Black Cat
# 22 - Freewrite: Narrator's Sanity in "The Black Cat"


1.Finish Reading "The Black Cat"  

2. Discuss Gothic Elements Present 

3. Complete the Freewrite debating our Narrator's sanity! (See GClassroom #20)

4. View or listen to several audio , film, and animated adaptations of the story. Please keep in mind that some of these are just "adaptations" of the story. They are NOT a substitute for actually reading it!

Elements of Gothic Horror


A Question of Sanity?

A. Think about the narrators from "The Tell-Tale Heart," "The Cask of Amontillado," & "The Black Cat" - Are Poe's narrators cold-blooded murders, insane, or both? 

"The Black Cat" Short Animated Interpretation 

B.  From a legal standpoint, do you think the narrator from this week's story is a straight up cold-blooded murder or could he plead "guilty by reason of insanity"?

C. Review  some of the information provided on the following websites:

Read the following brief legal explanations to help you analyze Poe's narrators:




 Additionally, check out a few video explanations about "the insanity defense" - See videos to the right

D. Complete the Chart Below to prepare! See GClassroom Assignment #21

"Black Cat" Writing Prompt Preparation Chart
"The Black Cat" a Question of Sanity?


1.Complete IXL Activities (See GClassroom #22).