In Kindergarten students will learn about art in a new and fun way and build upon skills that they learned last year! It is important to me to keep the excitement of play that young students inherently have when it comes to making art but also teaching and instilling an understanding of what they are doing and foster a growth mindset when it comes to making art that has deeper meaning.

We will focus on answering the question "What is Art?" in Kindergarten. This broad big idea will help students start to think about art in a new way. Students will explore the world of art and experiment with new ideas and ways of making art. They will be able to create straight & curved lines in different mediums, experience shape and color in a new way, understand and learn that art can be experienced through touch and manipulation of materials, such as clay and found materials to create a new form. We will explore many different beautifully illustrated books together such as Line that Wiggles and Beautiful Oops.

As the year progresses I will share all of the amazing work that the students complete on this webpage.

If ever you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out!
