Pānui Pukapuka





Whole Class Learning

Nau mai, haere mai ki 2021

Kiwi Kids News Read off! HM


  1. Choose an article that interests you from Kiwi Kids News

  2. Complete the slides based on the article

  3. How many can you complete and share on your blog?

End of the Year Memory Book Time Capsule HM

Wiki #7

Click on this link and make a copy. Rename it and file in your panui pukapuka kōpaki.

Rāhui- Argumentation Board HM

Wiki #5

Click on this link and make a copy. Rename it and file it in your pānui pukapuka kōpaki.

ANIMAL TESTING- Argumentation Board HM

Wiki#1 T3

Click on this link and make a copy. File in your panui pukapuka kōpaki.

Pets- Argumentation Board HM

Click on this link and make a copy. File in your panui pukapuka kōpaki.

Mars- Argumentation Board HM

Click on this link and make a copy. File in your panui pukapuka kōpaki.

Maori Technology: Kites HM

Make a copy of the slide deck and work your way through the activities.

Wahanga 2 begins here


WALT understand how to select and complete the Language Tasks.

Read: Any book from the selection below. Make a copy of the task you choose and file in your kōpaki pānui pukapuka (Wiki 3 your initials)

Extra: 1 x Any Task

Pōhā A Clever Way of Storing Food-SJ L2 Sept 2014.pdf

Wahanga 1 begins here

Kowhai Reading Term 1-2 2020 HM
Māwhero Reading Term 1 - 2 2020 HM
Kahurangi Reading Term 1-2 2020 HM
Kākāriki Reading Term 1-2 2020 HM