6th Grade

Movie Review

Due: Thursday, March 26, 2020

Watch any live-action (no cartoon) movie of your choice (that is age-appropriate and parent-approved) and write a review on Google Docs. Then, attach it to the assignment on your Google Classroom. BEFORE WATCHING THE MOVIE, PLEASE EMAIL ME YOUR CHOICE FOR APPROVAL.

Your review must be at least three paragraphs.

-Paragraph 1: short summary of the movie with character names and the names of the actors who played them.

-Paragraph 2: your personal reaction to the movie. Please include the answers to the following questions:

1. How did the movie make you feel?

2. What do you remember most now that the event is over?

3. Was the movie generally what you were expecting?

4. In what ways were you delighted, surprised, amazed, or confused?

-Paragraph 3: would you recommend this movie to someone else? Why to why not?