Be part of a powerful political force.
Vote. Help get out the vote.

If you can vote, Vote. If you cannot vote, learn about the history of voting in the U.S. and encourage those who can vote to vote. Voting is a privilege, one not afforded to all U.S. Americans in the not too distant past. Even though the voting population is far broader today, there are efforts to suppress people from voting.

Register to vote

  • HC & TurboVote
    Sign up with TurboVote to make sure you always know when elections are happening, and have the information you need to vote with confidence. Sign up to receive election reminders, get registered to vote, & apply for your absentee ballot!

  • Follow VoteCrossVote on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to stay up to date with Holy Cross events, programs, and opportunities related to the 2020 Elections.

  • Register to Vote
    Per the Constitution, states run federal elections. Your state decides, for example, when you must register and how you can register. That's why you must check with your state for these details.

Help others register to vote

  • Worcester Voter Registration Initiative
    WVRI is a platform aimed to uplift the voices of the youth by promoting civic engagement and voter empowerment in the Worcester community. The Worcester Voter Registration Initiative is a student-run non-partisan community organization in the state of Massachusetts.

  • Voting Is an Act of Love
    "Love ought to show itself in deeds more than in words.” These powerful words from St. Ignatius of Loyola remind us that casting a ballot can be an act of love—a way to live out the greatest commandments, to love and serve God and to love our neighbor.

  • NAACP's civic engagement program
    As a volunteer with the NAACP Civic Engagement Program, you will help increase Black voter turnout. You will contact up to 20 infrequent voters in the weeks before the 2020 election.

  • Write letters to voters
    Sending a Vote Forward letter is one of the easiest things you can do to increase turnout. It takes two minutes and one stamp, and meaningfully increases the odds that the recipient will vote. A concrete action you can take, no matter where you live, to get unlikely-to-vote fellow citizens to the polls.

Learn about the history of voting and voting rights in the U.S.

Volunteer as a poll worker and/or recruit your peers to do so

  • Campus Compact Safe Elections Project
    The opportunity for every American to vote in a free and fair election is at risk. Because of COVID-19, the older Americans who typically carry most of the burden of keeping our polling places open must stand down this year to protect their health. Unless younger Americans step up, the resulting shortage of poll workers could mean closed polling places and long delays in communities across the country.

  • Power the Polls
    HELP STAFF YOUR LOCAL POLLING PLACE America is facing a record shortage of poll workers this year due to the coronavirus. Our democracy depends on ordinary people who make sure elections run smoothly and everyone's vote is counted. You can make sure we have a safe, fair, efficient election for all.

  • Wondering what a poll worker is and why there is a poll worker crisis this election? Watch this Campus Compact webinar (5:10-10:40).

Protect the vote

  • Volunteer to Protect the Vote
    The national, nonpartisan Election Protection coalition works year-round to ensure that all voters have an equal opportunity to vote and have that vote count. Made up of more than 100 local, state and national partners, Election Protection uses a wide range of tools and activities to protect, advance and defend the right to vote.

Complete the U.S. Census