Grant/Funding Opportunities

Marshall Memorial Fund

Through a bequest of James J. Marshall and Ellen O'Connor Marshall, the College has established a fund to encourage the creative and intellectual involvement of students and faculty with the Worcester Community in order to enhance the quality of life in Worcester and build closer ties between the College and the community. Financial support is available on a competitive basis for service, research, and community-based learning projects that are of academic benefit to Holy Cross students and/or faculty and of benefit to the people of Worcester. Awards are typically in the range of $200-$500. Download the application (DOC) or apply via the Student Applications Portal. Application deadlines for the 2020-2021 academic year are 10/7, 12/2, 2/24.

General questions about the fund and the selection process should be directed to Michelle Sterk Barrett. Questions pertaining to purchasing/reimbursement should be directed to Diane Girard. Isabelle Jenkins is available for coaching and guidance as applications are being completed.

Ignite Fund

The Ignite Fund is Holy Cross’ way of saying, in the words of Ignatius, “go, set the world on fire.” Starting in 2017, Holy Cross invites students to “set the world on fire” by providing them with funds to match their questions to the world’s needs.

At Holy Cross, we believe that a liberal arts degree prepares you to do good work in the world. Many times you just need the resources create knowledge and to put scholarship into action. If you’ve been thinking about ways you want to make a difference after graduation, why not start thinking about how you can start making a difference now?

Project-Based Learning Fellowships

Ignite Project-Based Learning Fellowships provide students with the opportunity to put the knowledge you’ve gained in the classroom into practice. We fund student-designed, student-implemented projects designed to put the Jesuit principles you’ve absorbed during your time at Holy Cross to work. If you have a big idea that you’d like to see put to the test, a project you’ve been working on that needs more resources to implement, a need in your community that you’d like to meet, or a skill or talent that you think can help others, the Ignite Fund can help you make it happen now.

Funds to Support Your Research

Holy Cross students don’t just learn from world-class researchers — they conduct their own research. And just as faculty needs resources to make their work happen, student researchers need funds to help their work take shape. The Ignite Fund provides equipment, access fees, books, software, and more, to students interested in creating new knowledge.

Start It All With a Launchpad

Good ideas don’t happen on their own. Sometimes you need community partners, fellow students, faculty and staff to get a good idea rolling. The Ignite Fund promotes good projects and good scholarship by building communities around project themes. If you are interested in talking through your ideas with others, contact the J.D. Power Center for Liberal Arts in the World to hold a Launchpad session.

Applying for the Ignite Fund is easy through the College’s Application Portal »

Holy Cross Green Fund

The Holy Cross Green Fund aims to establish a more sustainable campus through extensive, visible, and strategic collaboration between students, faculty, administration, and staff. When enacting sustainability policies and programs at Holy Cross, the Green Fund considers the beneficial impact of sustainability in the lives of the members of the Holy Cross community as well as those in the greater Worcester area and the world.

Seeking to increase the value​ ​of educational opportunities and environmental initiatives at the College with hands-on project planning, research opportunities, and volunteer opportunities, the Holy Cross Green Fund will aid in fulfilling the College’s Carbon Commitment and help answer Pope Francis’s call to action as outlined in his 2015 encyclical, ​Laudato Si. ​In essence, the Holy Cross Green Fund, founded on Jesuit values, fosters collaboration and unity within the Holy Cross and Worcester community in pursuit of a more sustainable world. Learn more.