
Visualize a world where everyone has equal amounts of wealth. Everyone has equal amounts of land, equal-sized houses, the same government-issued cars, the same government-issued stoves, the same government-issued cell phones, etc. Although people do different jobs, they all get paid the same. Since everyone is equal, there are no social classes. In fact, there isn’t even a need for money. People do not need to fight because all materials are shared in common through the government. Everyone works according to their ability, and everyone receives according to their need. The world portrayed here is a communist society.

A communist government is based off key ideas about money or economics where everyone shares and behaves. The root word "commune" means in common or together. In a communist government, the Communist Party owns and controls most everything including property, means of production, education, transportation, and agriculture. It is a society in which private property and social class do not exist and the government (the Communist Party) exerts great power over its people. This type of government is called totalitarian because to totally controls its people’s lives. Citizens have few or no rights.

Ideally, in a communist government there wouldn't be a leader or formal government because everyone would share and life would be a perfect society that didn't need rules. In this perfect society, or utopia, power would be based on group decisions and everyone would share and cooperate with one another. Power would never change in a utopia because everything would run perfectly!

Communist leaders can be chosen in various ways, but they are mostly self-appointed through political revolution. Cuba has been a communist country since 1959. In the Soviet Union (1917-1991), the Communist Party outlawed all other parties, and the population had no freedom of speech, religion, or other rights.

After World War II, communist Russia became the U.S.S.R., also known as the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and created many other communist governments in neighboring countries such as Poland, Bulgaria, and East Germany.