For a shout-out on Friday, October 5, entries are due Thursday, September 27, by 3 PM EST.


Redesign a US bill to depict an “unsung hero” of history. Why do you think this person deserves recognition?

How to ENTER

Students, your teachers must submit for you. Any video submissions must be horizontal.


Every Thursday at 6 PM EST, we'll announce the week's contest prompt. You have a week to submit your entry. The contest closes when we post a new prompt. Winners will be notified on Friday by 12 noon EST, and they will have one week to submit a video or photo to be included in the Week in Rap video with the shout out. We'll shout out the winner's school in the next Week in Rap video (two weeks after the initial contest was posted)!

A little fine print: You must be 18 years or older to enter the contest. Teachers and parents can submit on behalf of their students and children, and can submit as many times as they'd like. By submitting a photo or video that features any students, teachers are agreeing that they’ve obtained parental consent to have the likeness of their child posted on the internet in a way that’s accessible by the public. By entering the contest, you agree to comply with the Official Rules.