This editorial style guide was created by the Editorial Services Department of Hofstra’s Division of Marketing and Communications as a reference tool for Hofstra communicators.

The University follows an editorial style that provides guidelines for capitalization, punctuation, spelling, and grammar. In addition, it has adopted conventions that offer direction in appropriate language, tone, and level of formality. We use The Associated Press Stylebook (AP Stylebook) as our main reference, and we rely on The Chicago Manual of Style (CMOS) for assistance concerning content that is not covered in AP Stylebook. Our primary dictionary is Merriam-Webster (merriam-webster.com). This editorial style guide covers items writers and content producers will likely encounter and indicates Hofstra exceptions to AP Stylebook or CMOS. This guide is an evolving document, and it will be updated periodically to ensure consistent, high-quality content in all Hofstra publications, in print and online.

The Editorial Services Department recognizes that some publications may call for a design treatment that demands changes to our chosen style. When this is the case, exceptions are permitted.