Though the COVID-19 pandemic is officially over, COVID and its new variants are still present, so we will continue to offer this topical guide.

Below are selected entries from a topical guide published by The Associated Press.

antibodies: Substances that the body's immune system makes to fight off infection. Antibodies are also made in response to a vaccine. Treatments for COVID-19 include medicines with concentrated doses of lab-made antibodies and blood plasma from survivors that contain antibodies.


antiseptic, disinfectant: Antiseptics, such as hand sanitizers, are used to kill germs on living things. Disinfectants, such as bleach, are used on inanimate things, such as countertops and handrails. The adjective is disinfectant, not disinfecting.

antiviral (n., adj.), antivirus (adj.): No hyphen in either term, an exception based on common usage to our general guidance to hyphenate anti- terms unless they have specific meanings of their own. Use antiviral in medical references: an antiviral drug, antivirals to fight COVID-19. Use antivirus in general references: antivirus measures, antivirus controls.

asymptomatic: Avoid this medical jargon; use no symptoms, without symptoms, or the like.

booster: An extra dose or shot of vaccine given after initial vaccination is completed, intended to boost waning immunity.

breakthrough infection: An infection that occurs in a fully vaccinated person.

cancel, canceled, canceling, cancellation

CARES Act: Avoid using this term unless in a direct quotation in reference to the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act. Instead, use phrasing such as the coronavirus relief bill, the coronavirus aid bill, the coronavirus rescue package, etc., for the U.S. government’s $2.2 trillion package to help businesses, workers, and a health care system staggered by the coronavirus. Do not refer to it as a stimulus, a stimulus package, etc. The measure was passed to replace money lost in the collapse of the economy, rather than to stimulate demand.

cases: People should not be referred to as cases. Correct: Fifty people tested positive for the virus. Fifty cases of the virus were reported. Incorrect: Fifty cases tested positive for the virus. Incorrect and redundant: 50 positive cases.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: On first reference, use Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Precede with national, federal, or U.S. if needed for clarity. On second reference, the CDC is acceptable and takes a singular verb.

contact tracing: The practice of tracking down and monitoring people who have been in close contact with someone who is infected (i.e., within 6 feet of an infected person for at least 15 minutes). Do not enclose in quotation marks. Include a hyphen for clarity when used as a modifier: The state’s contact-tracing efforts. Consider rephrasing to avoid the term or for variety: The state’s efforts to identify people who have had close contact with the nursing home worker.

contagion: Avoid this term. Usually better to use words like disease or illness, or more specific words like virus.

coronaviruses: A family of viruses, some of which cause disease in people and animals, named for the crownlike spikes on their surfaces.

Coronaviruses can cause the common cold or more severe diseases such as SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) and MERS (Middle East respiratory syndrome). A new coronavirus first appeared in late 2019 in Wuhan, China. It causes a respiratory illness now called COVID-19, which stands for coronavirus disease 2019.

The virus itself is named SARS-CoV-2, but avoid using that name.

Referring to simply the coronavirus is acceptable on first reference in stories about the current pandemic. While the phrasing incorrectly implies there is only one coronavirus, the meaning is clear in this context. A year into the outbreak, do not use the terms new coronavirus or novel coronavirus unless needed to distinguish between viruses.

The term coronavirus is generally acceptable in references to the pandemic: coronavirus cases, coronavirus tests, coronavirus variants. Use the term COVID-19 when referring specifically to the disease: COVID-19 treatments, COVID-19 patients, COVID-19 deaths, recovering from COVID-19.

Passages and stories focusing on the science of the disease require sharper distinctions.

When referring specifically to the virus, the COVID-19 virus and the virus that causes COVID-19 are acceptable, as is simply the coronavirus.

But, because COVID-19 is the name of the disease, not the virus, it is not accurate to write a virus called COVID-19.

Also incorrect are usages such as COVID-19 spreads through the air; scientists are investigating how long COVID-19 may remain on surfaces; she worries about catching COVID-19. In each of those, it should be the coronavirus, not COVID-19.

The shortened form COVID is acceptable if necessary for space in headlines, and in direct quotations and proper names.

Omitting the is acceptable in headlines and in uses such as: He said coronavirus concerns are increasing.

curbside pickup (n.): But pick up as a verb.

data: The word typically takes singular verbs and pronouns when writing for general audiences and in data journalism contexts: The data is sound. In scientific and academic writing, plural verbs and pronouns are preferred.

death, die: Don’t use euphemisms like passed on or passed away except in a direct quote

diseases: Do not capitalize diseases such as cancer, emphysema, leukemia, hepatitis, etc., but do capitalize the shorthand COVID-19, MERS, SARS. When a disease is known by the name of a person or geographical area identified with it, capitalize only the proper noun element: Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Ebola virus, etc.


Avoid expressions such as: He is battling COVID-19. She is a stroke victim. Use neutral, precise descriptions: He has stomach cancer. She had a stroke.

distance learning (n., adj.): Schools are turning to distance learning. He is taking a distance learning class.

distances, time periods: Use numerals for distances: Social distancing includes staying 6 feet away from other people. Spell out numbers under 10 when referring to days, weeks, months, years: six months.


epidemic (n., adj.), pandemic (n., adj.), endemic (adj.): An epidemic is the rapid spreading of disease in a certain population or region; a pandemic is an epidemic that has spread wider, usually to multiple countries or continents, affecting a large number of people. Follow declarations of public health officials in terminology. On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization declared the COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic. Do not write global pandemic; the adjective is unnecessary as this pandemic is widely known to be global.

Endemic as an adjective refers to the constant presence of a disease. For example, malaria is endemic in some tropical regions. COVID-19 is still considered a pandemic. Health experts say the coronavirus is unlikely to go away, and they expect it to eventually become endemic. Do not use the phrase an endemic.

exposure: Contact with a harmful substance, such as the coronavirus, that can lead to infection or illness. People are tested for infection with the virus, not exposure to it.

front line(s) (n.), front-line (adj.)

fully vaccinated: In the U.S., this typically means two shots of the Moderna or Pfizer vaccine or one shot of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. But meanings may vary, so define what is meant in each case.


herd immunity: Herd immunity occurs when enough people have immunity, either from vaccination or past infection, to stop uncontrolled spread of an infectious disease. It doesn't mean that a virus or bacteria is eradicated or that no person can get infected. Outbreaks can still happen even when a population has achieved herd immunity. The threshold for herd immunity varies among different types of infectious diseases. Scientists aren't sure what the threshold is for the coronavirus, though they believe it's higher than 70% and could be as high as 85% because of the extra-contagious delta variant.

home schooling (n.), home-schooler (n.), home-school (v.), home-schooled (adj.)

incubation period: Time between infection and the appearance of signs or symptoms of an illness.

infectious disease (n., adj.): No hyphen in the modifier: an infectious disease specialist.

isolation, self-isolation, quarantine: In common usage during the pandemic, the terms isolation and quarantine generally are being used interchangeably.


The CDC makes this distinction: Isolation is separating sick people from healthy people to prevent spread of disease. For example, people believed to have COVID-19 or to have been exposed to the coronavirus are put in isolation in hospitals or are asked to practice self-isolation. Quarantine separates and restricts the movement of people who were exposed to a contagious disease to see if they become sick.

lock down (v.), lockdown (n., adj.): Spell out what is meant because people’s definitions and interpretations vary.

long COVID-19: A term used for long-term effects of COVID-19. Most people recover in a few weeks after infection. Others have symptoms that linger or return for weeks or months, including fatigue, shortness of breath, "brain fog," and trouble sleeping. The condition is sometimes referred to as long-haul COVID-19. Avoid the medical term: post-acute COVID syndrome, or PACS, and avoid using long-haulers for people with the condition.

masks, respirators, ventilators: An N95 mask is a specific type of tight-fitting, cup-shaped face mask that covers the nose and mouth, filters the air, and is used by workers in settings such as construction and health care. They are technically respirators, but the preferred term is masks to avoid confusion with ventilators. Respirators like the N95 are distinct from surgical masks, which also cover the nose and mouth but fit loosely. A ventilator is a machine that helps people breathe; breathing machine is acceptable.

multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (CDC term); multisystem inflammatory disorder in children and adolescents (WHO term): Avoid both terms. Instead, use wording such as a rare inflammatory condition (or syndrome) in children linked with the coronavirus.

National Institutes of Health: This agency within the Department of Health and Human Services is the principal biomedical research arm of the federal government. NIH is acceptable on second reference. There are 27 institutes or centers, including the National Cancer Institute, the National Institute on Drug Abuse, and the National Institute of Mental Health.

personal protective equipment: Equipment worn to minimize exposure to hazards that cause serious injuries and illnesses. Do not use PPE. If necessary to use PPE in a direct quotation, spell it out later and explain the term.

preventive: Not preventative.


shelter in place (v.), shelter-in-place (adj.): The governor urged residents to shelter in place. Authorities issued a shelter-in-place order. Spell out what is meant because people’s definitions and interpretations vary.

shutdown (n.), shut down (v.)

social distancing, socially distancing: No quotation marks, no hyphen: The CDC is urging social distancing. The parents are taking social distancing precautions. They’ve been socially distancing themselves. Generally, social distancing involves measures to restrict when and where people can gather. The goal is to stop or slow the spread of infectious diseases. Measures can include limiting the number of people who can gather, staying 6 feet away from others, closing schools, asking people to work at home, canceling events, limiting or shutting down public transportation, etc.

stay at home (v.), stay-at-home (adj.)

superspreader (n., adj.): An individual who spreads a virus or disease to an unusually large number of people, or a setting or event where an infection is spread to a large number of people: a superspreader event.

telecommute, telecommuting, telecommuter

teleconference, teleconferencing


testing: There are three broad kinds of coronavirus tests. Two diagnose an active COVID-19 infection; a third detects if someone previously developed an immune response due to infection or vaccination. The terms coronavirus test and COVID-19 test are interchangeable.

travel, traveled, traveling, traveler

underlying conditions, preexisting conditions: Terms like existing health conditions or other health problems are preferred over underlying conditions to describe issues that contributed to a COVID-19 illness or death. No hyphen in preexisting condition, a term usually used in the context of health insurance.

vaccine (n.), vaccination (n.): A vaccine is a product that stimulates the body's immune system to make antibodies and provide immunity against a specific virus or other germ. Vaccination is the act of giving a vaccine.

The terms are often interchangeable, since a person is receiving the vaccine while getting a vaccination. Use the term vaccination if needed to be specific about the act of giving or receiving the shot: the city's vaccination schedule, for example. The terms immunization and vaccination can generally be used interchangeably.

Don't refer to a vaccine as a drug, medicine, or serum.

Do not say anti-COVID-19 vaccine or anti-coronavirus vaccine. Instead: COVID-19 vaccine (or vaccination) or coronavirus vaccine (or vaccination). The terms COVID-19 and coronavirus are both acceptable as a modifier for the vaccine or vaccination.

Avoid the shorthand vax or vaxxed.

vaccine approval: Be careful in describing a vaccine's regulatory approval status, which can vary country to country. Many regulatory agencies are allowing vaccines to be used on a temporary, emergency basis. Describe them as authorized for emergency use; allowed for emergency use; given the green light, etc. Avoid saying a vaccine was approved, until full, final approval has been granted by a regulatory agency. Until then, the vaccines are still considered experimental. Vaccine status can differ by age group; some vaccines have the OK for teens and younger children.

"vaccine passports": Digital or paper documents showing that a person has been vaccinated against COVID-19. Some workplaces, governments, and private venues require such proof. The term is acceptable, enclosed in quotation marks. But proof of vaccination is better.

virus variant: Use variant or version to describe a new form of a virus in general. Following guidance from the World Health Organization, refer to specific variants by letters of the Greek alphabet as assigned by WHO. Avoid using the numbers given to variants, such as B.1.1.7. Avoid using country labels like the South Africa variant.

Of particular note: the delta variant: a highly contagious variant that by 2021 became the world's most dominant cause of coronavirus infections. It spreads between people faster than other variants, allowing it to outcompete and replace other versions.

In late November 2021, scientists alerted the World Health Organization to a concerning-looking variant later named omicron. The omicron variant spreads even more easily than other coronavirus strains, and has already become dominant in many countries. It also more easily infects those who have been vaccinated or had previously been infected by prior versions of the virus.

virus’s: The singular possessive form of virus. Not virus’.

World Health Organization: The specialized health agency of the United Nations, which is based in Geneva. It sets internationally accepted guidelines for treating diseases and coordinates responses to disease outbreaks globally. On second reference, the WHO and WHO are both acceptable.

Zoom: Video conferencing platform owned by Zoom Video Communications Inc. of San Jose, California. Usage includes: a Zoom meeting, a class conducted on (or via, or by) Zoom, we used Zoom. Sometimes used informally as a verb, but that usage is not preferred.