School Gardens

Hawai‘i Fruit Tree Sources by Island (Rev. 0921)


Use this live document to help you find fruit tree sources near you on all islands.

Hawai‘i Farm to School Supplies Spreadsheet


Use this spreadsheet to help you plan for garden and food prep supply needs and budget. This sheet features suggested supplies, sources, quantities, prices, and budgeting tool!

O‘ahu Sources for Garden Materials, Volunteers, and Funding

A list of where to source garden materials, volunteers, and funding for building and sustaining of school, community, and home gardens on O‘ahu.

Visit the Hawai‘i School Peace Gardens website to help grow a culture of peace on school campuses through peace gardens!

School Garden & Food Safety Resources

Garden Safety Manual

Garden Safety Poster

Garden & Food Safety Checklists

Garden to Cafeteria Resources

Grow food on campus and serve it in school meals!

Find more resources here on gardening basics, growing guides, gardening with kids, and more!

(A Program of UH CTAHR)

Find the perfect pono plant for your landscape, search by color, growth form, and more! Avoid invasives and protect Hawai‘i's unique and precious environment!