Support & Networking

The Kauai School Garden Network was established in 2010 and supports all schools, PreK-12, on the island of Kauai. We provide assistance with funding, technical and volunteer support for school gardens, school sustainability initiatives, local food in local schools.We led Kauaiʻs 1st farm-to-school pilot, Māla‘ai Kula, at Kawaikini NCPCS and Ke Kula Niihau PCS to support the creation of culturally-relevant school garden and food program models serving Hawaiian keiki and youth.

Founded in 2012 and previously coordinated through ‘Iolani School, the O‘ahu Farm to School Network works to strengthen and connect farm to school programs on O‘ahu by building the network of service providers and producing professional development and policy advocacy opportunities for volunteers.

Sust ʻāina ble Moloka‘i has been a member of the Hawaiʻi Farm to School Hui, and the Island Coordinator for the Moloka‘i Farm to School Network since 2012. In this role we provide resources to promote the three core elements of farm to school in our island schools, including regular hosting of workshops for teachers to learn how to implement farm to school curricula (P-12).

Since 2008, Grow Some Good has provided school garden programming and now supports over 7,000 students each year. School gardens are a key resource for learning, engaging with nature, and instilling healthy habits.

The Hawaiʻi Island School Garden Network (HISGN) provides a network of support to teachers, educators, administrators, and more, offering professional development, advocacy, mentorship and technical assistance, to expand the use of ʻāina (land) based initiatives in schools across the state.