Other Activities


Walking is one of the best forms of exercise because it's cheap and accessible. Walking stimulates the heart, lungs and circulation and also boosts the endurance of the lower body muscles. Increasing the amount you walk is easier than you think, you could try:


Advancing on from walking, hiking generally includes walking over more rugged and inclined terrain which is great for cardiovascular and muscular fitness. As well as being a great form of exercise, it is a wonderful form of mindfulness as there are lots of beautiful places to discover, with outstanding features such as lakes, rivers, mountains and views as far as the eye can see.

Click on the image to be redirected to a site where you can discover great hikes for both you and your family.

Bike Riding

Non-competitive cycling is a good way to get some effective exercise. This form of cycling means that you can set your own pace, time and route and discover what your local areas have to offer. Its great for those that have limited time as you can burn up to double the amount of calories compared to walking.

Click on the image to be redirected to the 'British Cycling' website to find out more information about cycling for leisure, some top tips and where to ride.

Home Work-outs

Home work outs are a great way to exercise without spending too much time travelling to the gym. they are just as effective and are much more convenient as they fit around your day to day routines. There are many resources, apps and videos available for all types of home work outs.

Click on the image to be redirected to the Healthline website where they suggest lots of different activities you can try at home.


Dancing is a great form of exercise and there are lots of types for you to try:

Click on the image to be redirected to a directory provided by the NHS to explore dance opportunities local to you:


DrumFIT is an incredible Physical Education Program beloved by educators and students. It is a simple and fun way to impact our lives both physically and mentally. They offer classes via video streams that are great for you and your family, as well as in school with your class.

Website: Click on the image

Below you will find 2 links to websites that provide lists of gym free and fun exercise ideas:

Provides a list of gym-free ideas and resources you can try.

Provides a list of 30 fun ways to get 30 minutes of exercise.

The little things all add up...

Take the stairs

Alternative to using the lift/escalator

TV Advert walks

Stretch your legs every TV break

Daily Steps

Roughly 10,000 average per day


Can burn 200 - 350 calories per day

Walk the long way

Opt to take the scenic route 


Burns more calories than you think