
Not all people who use a substance will misuse it or have problematic substance use. Substance misuse occurs when a person is using alcohol or other drugs at levels that are associated with short-term or long-term harm. Substance misuse is not just a matter of how much of a substance a person uses, but how their use affects their life and those around them.

Substance misuse is more common amongst adults with mental health issues than in the the wider population. The co-existence of mental health issues and substance misuse, commonly referred to as dual diagnosis, has, over the years, increasingly been seen as a major challenge for communities.

Below you will find support services for various addictions.


General Addiction Support Services


Provides information and support for families affected by drugs and alcohol. Their services include helplines and local support groups.

Phone: 0207 553 7640
Website: Click on the image

UK SMART Recovery

Provides training to help people manage their recovery from any type of addictive behaviour including gambling, sex, eating, shopping, etc... through a range of self help meetings.

Phone: 0330 053 6022
Website: Click on the image

Alcoholics Anonymous

Runs self-help group for anyone affected by alcohol use issues.

Phone: 0800 9177 650
Website: Click on the image

Alcohol Health Network

Provide a range of alcohol harm reduction services.

Phone: 0203 151 2420
Website: Click on the image

Drink Aware

Work to reduce alcohol misuse and harm in the UK.

Phone: 0207 766 9900
Website: Click on the image


A free national helpline for concerns about your own or someone else's drinking.

Phone: 0300 123 1110
Website: Click on the image

Drug Addiction Support Services

Cocaine Anonymous

Runs self-help groups for anyone affected with Cocaine issues.

Phone: 0800 612 0225
Website: Click on the image

Marijuana Anonymous UK

Runs self-help groups for anyone affected with Marijuana issues.

Phone: 0300 124 0373
Website: Click on the image

Narcotics Anonymous 

Runs self-help groups for anyone affected by drug use issues.

Phone: 0300 999  1212
Website: Click on the image

Talk to Frank

A national drug education service for information on drugs.

Phone: 0300 123 6600
Website: Click on the image

Gambling Addiction Support Services

Gamblers Anonymous UK

Runs self-help groups for anyone affected with addictive gambling behaviours who want to change.

Phone: 0330 094 0322
Website: Click on the image


Leading UK provider of free information, advice and support for anyone affected by gambling harms.

Phone: 0808 8020 133
Website: Click on the image

Smoking Addiction Support Services

NHS - Stop Smoking

Provides information about different treatments that are available from and to help you beat your addiction and reduce withdrawal symptoms

Website: Click on the image

Smoking Help

The UK's leading experts in advanced treatments to quit smoking.
They neutralise physical dependency to help ease cravings and desire.

Website: Click on the image