What is the student Wi-Fi password?


What device do I need to run Microsoft 365?

Any device can run Microsoft 365 - a phone, tablet, laptop or desktop. It can be easier to manage multiple accounts on a single device on laptops and desktops (rather than tablets).

How will I access class work?

  • Communication between staff and students will take place through MS Teams.

  • Homework: the majority of teachers will distribute homework and projects through MS Teams. Some teachers will use Class Notebook if they require a stylus to write or annotate work.

  • School notices: school news and general information about Covid will be posted on the Student Hub

How much does Microsoft 365 cost?

The school has education licences for all students, which means students can use it for free. Students can also download the Office suite of applications onto FIVE separate devices from the Office365 portal.

How do I login to Office 365?

The steps are specific and are found in the front section of the Homework Journal.

  1. Open a browser (Chrome or Internet Explorer)

  2. Use the URL office.com

  3. Enter your email (yourusername@highschool.ie)

  4. You will be directed to the Single Sign On (SSO) location where...

  5. You enter your password

  6. You are now in the Office365 Portal

Who is responsible for the maintenance and care of the device?

Pupils / parents will be responsible for the device.

If a fault occurs that is covered under warranty, then PC Peripheral will collect the device from The High School and return once the fault is fixed. (details of warranty can be found in the documents section)

The Acer Travel Mate B3 Spin device is built to be robust in a school setting. However, if there is accidental damage causing a fault, then this would not be covered under warranty.

Additional Accidental Insurance can be taken out from a 3rd party insurer.

What happens if there is a problem with a device in class?

It is important to remember that teachers cannot be asked to be IT technicians too! Devices not charged, slow to boot up, not updated etc. can be a distraction and must be routinely checked to avoid such.

Having a standard device means that problems previously encountered may have solutions that others have solved.

The school does NOT have a full time IT support staff. However, Mr. McBride and Mr. Keegan have provisions in their timetables to allow for training and help. They are also full time teachers and may not be in a position to address a problem immediately.

Would the school monitor pupil's use of the device?

In school, the device would be monitored by the school, but not at home. It would be up to each household how best to monitor their child's use of the device.

How will be devices be used in school?

Depending on the subject and lesson a teacher may employ some of the following...

  • Share their screen with the class for ALL to see, using MS Teams, and talk through a lesson at the same time. (PowerPoint, Word documents, Specific Websites, Camera or video images, specific software)

  • prerecord a video lesson, post that video to share with the class in MS Teams for them to watch. The teacher may interact with the class once the video was watched.

  • post exercises in MS Teams for a class to work through and interact with the class as they are working through those exercises.

  • Use their computer camera to show a whiteboard lesson, diagram or drawing and share it to their pupils.

Students may...

  • complete assignments and post it back to a teacher using MS Teams.

  • run a PowerPoint that was shared with them

  • record a video of their own work

  • collaborate with other students on projects

  • open specific websites

  • run specific software e.g. Solidworks

  • read their textbooks from the screen on their device

Why has The High School chosen the Acer spin over other devices?

  1. The school already has 60 of these device (a slightly older model) that we are familiar with and works with all of the software the school uses.

  2. The device is robust and built with school life in mind

  3. The device comes with a 12 month collect and drop warranty so parents are NOT dealing with manufacturers directly.

  4. Long battery life (12 hours approx.)

  5. The 2-in-1 feature of being used as a tablet or laptop was a nice add on. Some students find it easier to read from a device when in tablet mode.

  6. The stylus is also a nice feature but had not been used much. Some departments suggest that it is a feature that they might use going forward.

We believe that this is a good mid range product at a good price point.