Year 7 Virtual Induction

Dear new year 7 student,

Welcome to your virtual induction experience. We have prepared this website to give you a taste of what to expect when you come to join us at Highlands School.

On this page you will find the staff that will play a big role in your time at Highlands School. We will guide you, support you and be there for you when you need us.

We will always encourage you and expect you to model our DARE values. We want you to leave Highlands, after the next 5-7 years with us, as individuals who are determined, aspirational, respectful and champions for equality.

Please explore this website where you will find an induction video, sample lessons, information about a typical school day, frequently asked questions and a quick quiz I would like you all to do after you have explored our website.

We look forward to welcoming you face to face in September and wish you a fantastic summer holiday.

Best wishes,

Mr. Larter

Mr Larter

Assistant Headteacher

Transition coordinator

Ms Murdock

Head of year 7

Ms Ticehurst

Behaviour mentor for year 7

Ms Phillips

Deputy Headteacher (Pastoral)

Mr McInerney


Message from Ms Murdock

I am really looking forward to welcoming you all to Highlands School in September. It is an exciting time for you, if a little daunting too, but one that will be full of exciting opportunities for you to learn new things, make new friends and be inspired by our school community.

Moving up to secondary school is a big change and we are aware this transition may be stressful for you, but please be assured that myself, your tutor and all the staff here will be supporting you and helping you to settle in quickly.

We have arranged an alternative induction for you on Thursday 2 September at Highlands. This will give you a chance to have a tour of the school, get to know your form group and help familiarise you with our systems and routines including behaviour expectations, uniform code and our stance on discriminatory language and bullying.

Take some time to look around this website to get a flavour of life at Highlands. The lessons have been prepared to give an overview of what to expect and if you have any further questions, you can contact me directly on

Looking forward to seeing you all in September!

Ms. Murdock

Head of year 7

The year 7 tutor team

Other key staff

Ms Charles

School Counsellor

Ms Bartram

Welfare officer

Ms Adu


Ms White

Assistant SENCO