What do I need to bring for my first day to school?

Your first day of school as a Highlands student will start on Wed 2nd September 2021 at 9am.

Apart from a smile and a positive mindset, you will need to arrive wearing your sharp new school uniform. You will also need your fully equipped pencil case.

I recommend you bring a bottle of water and some healthy snacks (nut free) for the day. Please avoid bringing in sugary snacks or drinks.

You will not need to bring your PE kit in for the first day of school.

What equipment will I need to bring to school?

Please refer to the school day section where you will see a list of equipment we expect all students to have with them.

The school site is really big. What if I get lost?

This is a common concern among new students before they join us. At first the site seems really big and confusing. Very quickly it will feel like a second home and you will know your way around better than many of the teachers.

Don't worry about getting lost as there are plenty of people to help you find your way. You can always ask any member of staff if you are a little nervous asking the older students. Just ask for help when you need it!

Which language will I be studying?

If you are in Beech or Willow house you will study French.

If you are in Oak or Rowan house you will study Spanish.

Language choice - why didn't I get the language choice I wanted?

Unfortunately we often have more students wanting to learn Spanish than French. We are only able to accommodate half of the year group for each language, which means that some students don't get their first language preference.

Making friends - Why am I not in a form with any of my closest friends?

This is a common concern for new students as change is often a little scary. However students quickly realise how exciting it is to meet so many new people. I would encourage you to embrace the change and try to see the many positives that it offers.

The form groups are made taking into account a large number of factors. It is important to us that each of your form groups represents the diversity in our society.

We want you to use your time at Highlands to develop your social skills as well as your academic skills. With that in mind it is important to join your form with an open mind and be as friendly and as kind as you can to all of your new peers.

You will still be able to see your primary school friends before school, at break time, lunchtime and after school.

You will find that friendships will change and evolve. The great thing about joining a large school like Highlands is there are so many new people to get to know. Each year group has over 240 students for you to meet!

What extra curricular clubs are on offer?

We usually run a number of extra curricular clubs as well as our Ed-Extra programme. Ed-Extra is a time dedicated to extra curricular activities for all year 7s for one hour on Wednesday afternoons.

When you join us in September we will be able to tell you more about the extra curricular activities we will be able to offer.

What should I do if I am really nervous in the first few days?

Your form tutor will be with you for the first week. If you are worried or a little nervous just let your tutor know so your teacher can offer support.

At any point in the year you can always talk to any member of staff about anything that might be worrying you. I recommend you speak to your tutor, behaviour mentor or head of year.