Hello and welcome! My name is Mrs. Doherty and I am the School Psychologist at Burns Avenue.

I am so excited to be a part of the Burns Avenue family and to have the opportunity to work with our students and families! 😊

Dear Students & Families,

I hope you have a safe, fun and healthy summer. As of 6/19/20, school is not in session. Please see the following:

  • For educational concerns, please contact our Pupil Personnel Office (PPS) at (516) 733-2160 between the hours of 8AM and 4PM.
  • For resources such as COVID 19 updates, additional Grab & Go locations, food banks, counseling centers, community support/benefits, please refer to our district website at https://sites.google.com/hicksvillepublicschools.org/hpsstudentservices/home
  • If you have a change of address or need to register a new student, please contact our Registration office at (516) 733- 2168.
  • For mental health support, contact the Long Island Crisis Center (516) 679-1111.
  • In case of an emergency, call 911 or visit your local Emergency Room.


The Hicksville Public Schools Support Staff

Estimados estudiantes y familias,

espero que tengan un verano seguro, divertido y saludable. A partir del 19/06/20, la escuela no está en sesión. Consulte lo siguiente:

  • Para inquietudes educativas, comuníquese con nuestra Oficina de Personal del Alumno (PPS) al (516) 733-2160 entre las 8 am y las 4 pm.
  • Para recursos como actualizaciones de COVID-19, ubicaciones adicionales de “Grab & Go”, bancos de alimentos, centros de asesoriamento, apoyo y beneficios comunitarios, consulte el sitio web de nuestro distrito en https://sites.google.com/hicksvillepublicschools.org/hpsstudentservices/home
  • Si tiene un cambio de dirección o necesita registrar un nuevo estudiante, comuníquese con nuestra oficina de registro al (516) 733-2168.
  • Para asistencia de salud mental, comuníquese con el Centro de Crisis de Long Island (516) 679-1111.
  • En caso de emergencia, llame al 911 o visite la sala de emergencias local.


The Hicksville Public Schools Support Staff

Be sure to check out the daily Social Emotional Learning posts as well as other Social Emotional Resources and Remote Learning activities!

Messages from Dr. Comer: https://vimeo.com/410623090 https://vimeo.com/402335951

A message from Mrs. Francollini: https://vimeo.com/407258026

A message from all staff at Burns Avenue: https://vimeo.com/403861443

We miss you!