and Construction


The Architecture and Construction Career Cluster is divided into three pathways. Pathways are grouped by the knowledge and skills required for occupations in these fields. Each pathway provides instruction as a basis for success in an array of careers and educational pursuits. This diverse Career Cluster prepares learners for careers in designing, planning, managing, building and maintaining the built environment. People employed in this cluster work on new structures, restorations, additions, alterations and repairs.

Employment Outlook

Architecture and construction comprise one of the largest industries in the United States. Based on the latest statistics, this career cluster has 7.8 million jobs. In the next few years, many new jobs will be added and many employment opportunities will result from the need to replace experienced workers who leave jobs.

Middle School Related Courses 

Art 6

Art 7

Introduction to Digital Media 8

Studio in Art

Algebra 1

Algebra 1 Honors

Geometry Honors 

Math 6

Math 6 STEM

Math 7

Math 7 Honors

Math 8

Robotics 8

Technology 6/7

Woodworking 8

Middle school extracurricular activities

Robotics Club: Goals of the Meteorites (FLL Robotics Team): Introduces younger students to real-world engineering challenges by building LEGO-based robots to complete tasks on a thematic playing surface. FIRST LEGO League teams, guided by their imaginations and adult coaches, discover exciting career possibilities and, through the process, learn to make positive contributions to society. 

High school Architecture and Construction-Related Career & Technical Education (CTE) Programs

CTE Programs located at Hicksville High School:

Construction Trades Foundation

The Career and Technical Education (CTE) Endorsement is an enhancement on a student’s high school diploma in the form of a New York State Education Department Seal indicating that a student has completed coursework in a state approved CTE program, along with the requirements for a technical endorsement. The Hicksville School District offers students a choice of two CTE Pathways in which students can obtain this diploma distinction. The requirements for any CTE pathway are as follows: 

■ Teacher completed employability profile 

■ Electronic portfolio of student work 

■ Passing of a nationally recognized exam 

Open To: Grades 11-12 

*Required courses for CTE Certification 

Construction Trades Foundation (4.0 Credits) 

Career and Financial Management-CFM (0.5)* 

Design and Drawing for Production (1.0) * 

Residential Structures (0.5) * 

Construction Systems (0.5) * 

Construction Trades Foundation (1.5) * 

Half-Day Career and Technical Education (CTE) Programs:   Students have an opportunity to attend  programs at Nassau BOCES Barry Tech, the  Levittown Gerald R. Claps Career and Technical Center  (GC Tech), or The Long Island High School for the Arts (LIHSA).  


Computer Technology 

Construction Electricity 

Construction Trades

Construction Trades Skills


Network Cabling Technician/Home Technology Integration

Powersports and Engine Repair


High school Architecture and Construction-Related Extracurricular Activities

Mu Alpha Theta- Math Honor Society: The purpose of this organization is to promote scholarship in, and enjoyment and understanding of, mathematics among high school students. We participate in mathematics competitions and research such as the AMC 12

National Art Honor Society: NAHS uses its creative skills and abilities to bring art into the community and raise money for charities. National Honor Society: NHS does community service while maintaining grades above a 93 GPA, creating leadership within the school and community. We do collections for local organizations, each of the students do their own volunteer projects, we help PTA groups with needs throughout the year, create projects within the school to benefit students, etc.

Science National Honor Society: The Science National Honor Society is the only national organization that engenders a new group of young thinkers who will be the future of industry, research, and scientific exploration for America. The Science National Honor Society recognizes sophomores (In the STEM Track only), juniors and seniors who achieve excellence in the areas of scholarship in science, character, leadership, and service. Membership in the SNHS is an honor bestowed upon a student for his/her accomplishments in the field of science and overall academic achievement. Students eligible for membership must have been in attendance at Hicksville High School for at least one full semester prior to induction, enrolled in an advance (AP or College) science class this current school year, have an overall unweighted cumulative GPA of 90 with a 93 unweighted GPA in science classes, be given a grade of 85 or above in any Regent exam, and taken the AP Exam in any AP course they took.

Science Olympiads: Science Olympiad competitions are like academic track meets, consisting of a series of 23 team events in each division. Each year, a portion of the events are rotated to reflect the ever-changing nature of genetics, earth science, chemistry, anatomy, physics, geology, mechanical engineering and technology. By combining events from all disciplines, Science Olympiad encourages a wide cross-section of students to get involved. Emphasis is placed on active, hands-on group participation. Teamwork is a required skill in most scientific careers today, and Science Olympiad encourages group learning by designing events that forge alliances. In Elevated Bridge, an engineering whiz and a kid from wood shop can become gold medalists. Similarly, a talented builder and a student with a good science vocabulary can excel in Write It Do It, one of Science Olympiad's most popular events.

High school Architecture and Construction-Related Courses

The asterisk (*) below reflects courses open to 9th grade students.  

Algebra I*

Algebra II

AP Calculus A/B

AP Calculus B/C

CADD-Computer Assisted Design & Drawing

CADD-Construction Trades Foundation


College Principles of Engineering 

Construction Systems*

Design & Drawing for Production* 



Materials Processing I*

Material Processing II



Physics Regents

Portfolio Preparation


Residential Structures*


Studio in Art*

World of Technology*

Architecture and Construction-Related Career Cluster Pathways

This Cluster Contains The Following Pathways:

Career Pathways are a multi-year program of academic and technical study that prepares students for a full range of postsecondary options within each career cluster. Career pathways provide a context for exploring career options at all levels of education. Career pathways link student learning to the knowledge and skills needed for future education and employment

Pathway 1: Construction 

Employees in construction literally build our future! These are the people who build and remodel houses, apartments, industrial buildings, warehouses, office buildings, churches, schools and recreational facilities. This pathway also includes the builders of highways, streets, bridges, tunnels and airports as well as power plants, chemical plants, refineries and mills. 

Related Careers

Related Majors

Pathway 2: Design/Pre-Construction

People with careers in design and pre-construction create our future! They turn a concept into a set of plans. Their plans guide other construction professionals as they continue the building process. 

Related Careers

Related Majors

Pathway 3: Maintenance/ Operations

Employees with careers in maintenance/operations keep our future intact! These are the people who unload, inspect, and move new equipment into position. They determine the optimal placement of machines in a plant, assemble machinery, install machinery, repair machinery and perform preventive maintenance. They detect, diagnose and correct minor problems on machinery. They keep the structure of an establishment in good repair. They maintain the smooth operation of refineries, power plants, chemical plants and mills. 

Related Careers

Related Majors

For more information,
please visit the Naviance website.