Timeline of Identification Process


For the 2021-2022 SY:

In the fall of 2021, ALL students in grade 3 and grade 4 will have the opportunity to sit for the CogAT (Cognitive Abilities Test). This assessment is a cognitive ability aptitude test that aims to measure cognitive skills and abilities that are essential for academic success.  There are no study guides or resources given to students, as it is important for students to demonstrate their knowledge and thought process authentically. 

Middle School

In the spring of fifth grade, ALL students have the opportunity to sit for the accelerated placement tests in the following content areas: ELA, Math, Science, and Social Studies.  The LinkIt Benchmark Assessment (Form B) may be used for Math and ELA in place of a placement test. The placement assessments were created by a committee of teachers that have taught the accelerated courses in grades 6-8, so they are aware of the content needed to succeed in the rigorous and fast-paced setting. There are no study guides or resources given to students, as it is important for students to demonstrate their knowledge and thought process authentically. It is very important that each child is placed appropriately for their learning needs and self-confidence. All students who sit for the accelerated placement assessments will receive a letter communicating placement for the following year. The letters are typically sent at the end of the school year.  


While the identification processes begin primarily in the spring, assessment is specific and ongoing.  Guidance counselors meet often with students to review grades and begin scheduling conversations for the following year.  The conversations include what is necessary to qualify for honors or AP courses of study.