Program Goals

Goals of the Program

The goal of the Hasbrouck Heights School District’s ESL program is to help students develop language skills necessary to be successful students and members of society. This can be done most effectively by meeting the following objectives:

  1. Increase ELL students’ English language production and peer interaction.
        • Specific and measurable goal: ELL students will verbally demonstrate their English speaking abilities in classroom work at least three times a week
  2. Explicitly teach English language vocabulary and structures.
        • Specific and measurable goal: The teacher will identify, teach, and post key academic vocabulary and structures for one content lesson each day.
  3. Build on ELL's background knowledge to increase comprehension.
        • Specific and measurable goal: The ESL teacher will elicit background knowledge from ELL's in one content area through a variety of activities, including questioning and graphic organizers.
  4. Increase ELL parent involvement.
        • Specific and measurable goal: Teacher will increase ELL parent contact through a class newsletter, email, and/or phone call to share information, student progress, or supports. The district will increase the number of parent information sessions.
  5. Increase writing opportunities.
        • Specific and measurable goal: Students will engage in a weekly writing activity that will focus on developing a certain skill such as creative vocabulary use, the correct format of an essay or the peer editing process.