S and S-blends

Video 1: How to Say the S Sound

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When practicing the S sound, be sure that you are not sticking your tongue out between your teeth! Your tongue should stay behind your teeth. Practice saying the sound in front of a mirror to make sure your tongue is not coming out between your teeth.

Below are some words with S to practice. The first list contains words that begin with the S sound. Practice saying each word correctly. Remember, keep your tongue behind your teeth! Practice each set of words for 5-10 minutes each day, or whenever possible.

  1. Sand

  2. Soap

  3. Sit

  4. Sock

  5. Sun

  6. Sink

  7. Sick

  8. Soup

  9. Seal

  10. Salt

The second list of words has S in the middle of the word. Practice saying each word 5 times. Remember, keep your tongue behind your teeth!

  1. Pencil

  2. Baseball

  3. Recess

  4. Babysitter

  5. Whistle

  6. Princess

  7. Bracelet

  8. Motorcycle

  9. Dresser

  10. Dinosaur

The third list of words contains S at the end of each word. Again, practice saying each word 5 times correctly.

  1. Bus

  2. Horse

  3. Dress

  4. House

  5. Octopus

  6. Chips

  7. Grass

  8. Mouse

  9. Cactus

  10. Compass


Find the "Dot Articulation" Worksheet for your sound and practice! Have fun!


Articulation Notebooks for S and S blends