Distance Learning Info

What you need to know

Google Classroom - each teacher has their own Google classrooms for PE

(codes are also listed under each teachers name in the drop down arrow at the top of this page that says "more"

Expectations - students are being asked to participate 5 days a week in physical activity. They will need to complete a make-up assignment for each day that they are out from class.

Exercise and Nutrition - Daily exercise and proper nutrition are important to maintain. We encourage kids to participate in some sort of activity at least 1 hour a day. However, we do understand that 1 hour and daily is not always possible. Simply do the best you can. Eating a well balanced meal three times a day and staying hydrated (at least 64 fluid oz) of water are recommended. Below are some good websites for more information.

We are looking forward to working with each one of you this year and hope to see you all in person soon!

PE Team

Mrs. Booth

Ms. Afsari

Mr. Van Hulzen

Mr. Allen

Mr. Westlake