Resolving conflict

The misuse of natural resources can bring tragic results. It can lead to poverty and unrest. War can happen and can claim lives. The government can put to use for people and the money can be used to build roads, bridges, wells, and schools. Children could also receive better education. The money can also pay for vaccines and healthcare. It is helpful for a country to support many types of businesses. It also allows people to keep working if the price of a natural resource falls or runs out. The worldwide effort supports the wise use of natural resources and promotes peace.

Companies choose business in countries that wisely use their natural resources. Industries can agree to work only with countries that have fair policies. The workers should be paid a good wage and the countries should enforce laws that require safe working conditions. The children should be protected and should not work at jobs that could harm them. The children should also have the opportunity to go to school.

Pollution needs to be controlled and water can be polluted when natural resources are taken from the Earth. Air pollution is when natural resources are being processed. Countries should enforce limits on pollution and country's should be honest about how it gets and uses their natural resources. Country's are more likely to get resources in a way that does not harm any people or the environment. Organizations such as the United Nations encourage countries to use natural resources wisely. Businesses all over world can support the United Nations Global Compact.

The United Nations send peacekeeping groups to help countries control their natural resources. The peacekeepers work to stop groups from selling natural resources to support the war. Natural resources can bring hope to a country for a better future. A country must look beyond quick profits to help benefit few people for a short time. The wise fair use natural resources and prevents the conflict. It also builds peace and brings comfortable lives to the country’s people.