Genres of Fiction



Fantasy stories include magical or mythical characters and events that just can’t happen in real life. Even though fantasy stories have magic, there are still rules. It’s important to pay attention to the rules and the way magic works.

Why is this important?

What can you learn or discover? Fantasy stories help expand your imagination and think about other worlds and possibilities.

Examples of Fantasy

What characteristics do these books have that make them examples of fantasy?

  • Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

  • Harry Potter

  • Alice in Wonderland

  • Where the Wild Things Are

  • Peter Pan

Fairy Tales


A fairy tale is a story that has characters such as elves, goblins, wizards, and fairies. Fairy tales are often traditional and were passed down from storyteller to storyteller before being recorded in books.

Why is it important?

Fairy tales are meant to entertain the reader.

Examples of fairy tales/ fables:

What characteristics do these books have that make them examples of fairy tales?

  • Cinderella

  • Jack and the Beanstalk

  • Snow White



A fable is written to teach a lesson or moral. Fables usually have animals with human-like characteristics.

Why is it important?

Fables offer a moral or lesson to be learned.

Examples of fairy tales/ fables:

What characteristics do these books have that make them examplesfables?

  • Tortoise and the Hare (fable)

  • The Lion and the Mouse (fable)

Folk Tales


Folktales are stories that have been told over and over again for many years. Some folktales attempt to explain why something exists or how something came to be. Some folktales have tricksters who outsmart others in the story.

Why is it important?

Folktales are a great way to learn about different cultures around the world.

Examples of Folk Tales/Fables:

What characteristics do these books have that make them examples of folk tales or tall tales?

  • Anansi Stories (Folk Tale)

  • Little Red Riding Hood (Folk Tale)

Historical Fiction


Historical fiction stories take place in the past. They might include real people, places, and events, but they also include parts that are made up by the author.

Why is it important?

Readers can often learn a lot about history and events that happened in the past by reading historical fiction. Pay attention to important people, places, and events as you read.

Examples of Historical Fiction:

What characteristics do these books have that make them examples of historical fiction?

  • I Survived series

  • Blood on the River



Humor is meant to make the reader laugh, or at least smile, when reading. Characters may act in unique and unexpected ways.

Why is it important?

Humor is a great way to unwind and enjoy reading. The reader can often connect with characters and laugh right along with them.

Examples of Humor:

  • Captain Underpants

  • Dogman

  • Diary of a Worm



Poetry is a type of literature based on the author’s use of words and rhythm. In poetry, words are crafted together to form sounds, images, and ideas.

Why it is important

Many people love poetry for the beauty of the language. The author assumes you will be using the power of inference to really understand the author’s message.

Examples of Poetry:

  • Where the Sidewalk Ends

  • Light in the Attic

  • Inside Out and Back Again

  • Dirt on my Shirt

Realistic Fiction


Realistic fiction stories take place in the present and include characters and situations that could really happen. Realistic fiction stories are still made up by the author though.

Why it is important

Realistic fiction stories often involve characters like you. Reading about how other kids solve their problems can help you think about your own life and how to solve your problems.

Examples of Realistic Fiction

  • Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing

  • Fish in a Tree

  • Wonder

  • Rules

Literary Nonfiction


A type of narrative text, that uses story elements and language to share accurate information about real people, places, and events, including but not limited to biography and autobiography.

Why it is important

Literary nonfiction is a fun way to learn information about people, places, and events.

Examples of Literary Nonfiction:

  • Desert Giant

  • The Magic School Bus

Tall Tales


A tall tale is a fictional story that exaggerates the truth. Tall tales began as campfire stories told by American pioneers.

Why it is important

Tall Tales are important because they encourage the creative imaginations of children.

Examples of Tall Tales:

  • Paul Bunyan

  • Pecos Bill